Relic Forge

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The Relic Forge

The shop where you can exchange Relic RF.png Relic RF for certain Relics. The quality of the relic dictates the cost:

  • SSS Orange - 120 Relic RF.png
  • SS Orange - 100 Relic RF.png
  • S Orange - 90 Relic RF.png
  • AAA Purple - 80 Relic RF.png

Buyable Items

Relics that are available in the Relic Forge.

Lottery Machine

These are the Relics that are available at the beginning of the game and are available inside Lottery Machine.

FAME Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Archimedes' Lever.png Magellan's Telescope.png Encyclopedia.png
Archimedes' Lever 120 Magellan's Telescope 120 Encyclopedia 120
Origin of Species.png Medal of Honor.png On War.png
Origin of Species 120 Medal of Honor 120 On War 120
Prometheus Torch.png Trojan Horse.png
Prometheus Torch 120 Trojan Horse 120
SS Relics Golden Trophy.png Pandora's Box.png Travels of Marco Polo.png
Golden Trophy 100 Pandora's Box 100 Travels of Marco Polo 100
S Relics Imperial Jade.png Leaf of Yggdrasil.png Tetromino.png
Imperial Jade 90 Leaf of Yggdrasil 90 Tetromino 90
Traveler Diploma.png
Traveler Diploma 90
AAA Relics Hawking's Wheelchair.png ARPAnet.png Wealth of Nations.png
Hawking's Wheelchair 80 ARPAnet 80 Wealth of Nations 80
Treaty of Versailles.png Speech of MLK.png Edict of Milan.png
Treaty of Versailles 80 Speech of MLK 80 Edict of Milan 80
Plantagenet Badge.png Ali's Belt.png DRMC.png
Plantagenet Badge 80 Ali's Belt 80 DRMC 80
Gordian Knot.png Augustus' Medal.png Galileo's Ball.png
Gordian Knot 80 Augustus' Medal 80 Galileo's Ball 80

ART Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Lyre of Hermes.png Ragnarok.png Sistine Madonna.png
Lyre of Hermes 120 Ragnarok 120 Sistine Madonna 120
Golden Wheat.png Athena Statue.png Lotus Chalice.png
Golden Wheat 120 Athena Statue 120 Lotus Chalice 120
Africa Star.png
Africa Star 120
SS Relics Sunflowers.png Swan Lake.png
Sunflowers 100 Swan Lake 100
S Relics Koh-i-Noor Diamond.png Mona Lisa.png Tutankhamun Mask.png
Koh-i-Noor Diamond 90 Mona Lisa 90 Tutankhamun Mask 90
The Last Supper.png
The Last Supper 90
AAA Relics Crystal Skull.png Manneken Pis.png Haulers on Volga.png
Crystal Skull 80 Manneken Pis 80 Haulers on Volga 80
Jade Cup.png Hope Diamond.png Guernica.png
Jade Cup 80 Hope Diamond 80 Guernica 80
The Scream.png Peacock Suit.png Moonlight Sonata.png
The Scream 80 Peacock Suit 80 Moonlight Sonata 80
Marquis Bell.png The Nutcracker.png Mermaid Statue.png
Marquis Bell 80 The Nutcracker 80 Mermaid Statue 80
Figaro Marriage.png Napoleon Painting.png
Figaro Marriage 80 Napoleon Painting 80

FTH Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Hera's Peacock Fan.png Maya Slate.png Soul Stone.png
Hera's Peacock Fan 120 Maya Slate 120 Soul Stone 120
Somersault Cloud.png Horn of Heimdall.png Phoenix Feather.png
Somersault Cloud 120 Horn of Heimdall 120 Phoenix Feather 120
Gaea's Hand.png
Gaea's Hand 120
SS Relics Holy Loaves.png Aladdin's Lamp.png Forbidden Fruit.png
Holy Loaves 100 Aladdin's Lamp 100 Forbidden Fruit 100
S Relics Ark of Covenant.png Golden Finger.png Golden Scarab.png
Ark of Covenant 90 Golden Finger 90 Golden Scarab 90
King Dangun Statue.png Shroud of Turin.png
King Dangun Statue 90 Shroud of Turin 90
AAA Relics Tree of Life.png Leaf Manuscript.png Yamato Mirror.png
Tree of Life 80 Leaf Manuscript 80 Yamato Mirror 80
Magic Mirror.png Lionheart.png Skidbladnir Ship.png
Magic Mirror 80 Lionheart 80 Skidbladnir Ship 80
Cornucopia.png Killing Stone.png Corinthian Pillar.png
Cornucopia 80 Killing Stone 80 Corinthian Pillar 80
Deity Quetzalcoatl.png
Deity Quetzalcoatl 80

CIV Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Faust.png Divine Comedy.png The Art of War.png
Faust 120 Divine Comedy 120 The Art of War 120
The Analects.png Da Vinci's Notes.png 1001 Nights.png
The Analects 120 Da Vinci's Notes 120 1001 Nights 120
Houmuwu Ding.png
Houmuwu Ding 120
SS Relics Das Kapital.png Era Magazine Vol.1.png Plato's Republic.png
Das Kapital 100 Era Magazine Vol. 1 100 Plato's Republic 100
S Relics The Tale of Genji.png Paradise Lost.png The Pieta.png
The Tale of Genji 90 Paradise Lost 90 The Pieta 90
Notre Dame Bell.png
Notre Dame Bell 90
AAA Relics Dream Top.png Truth Crystal.png Crystal Piano.png
Dream Top 80 Truth Crystal 80 Crystal Piano 80
Behistun Inscription.png Prehistoric Fossil.png Schindler's List.png
Behistun Inscription 80 Prehistoric Fossil 80 Schindler's List 80
Shakespeare Scripts.png Jade Burial Suit.png Maya Codices.png
Shakespeare Scripts 80 Jade Burial Suit 80 Maya Codices 80
Kapa's Camera.png Koryeon Sutra.png Andersen's Fairytales.png
Kapa's Camera 80 Koryeon Sutra 80 Andersen's Fairytales 80
Lennon's Guitar.png
Lennon's Guitar 80

TECH Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Unispark.png Particle Collider.png Relativity Scripts.png
Unispark 120 Particle Collider 120 Relativity Scripts 120
Double Helix DNA.png Voyager 1.png Nuclear Bomb.png
Double Helix DNA 120 Voyager 1 120 Nuclear Bomb 120
Artificial Blackhole.png Dyson Sphere.png
Artificial Blackhole 120 Dyson Sphere 120
SS Relics Watt Steam Engine.png Babbage Engine.png
Watt Steam Engine 100 Babbage Engine 100
S Relics Devol's Robot.png Boltzmann Brain.png Hubble Telescope.png
Devol's Robot 90 Boltzmann Brain 90 Hubble Telescope 90
Element R..png
Element R. 90
AAA Relics Nuclear Football.png Mars Rover.png Tesla Coil.png
Nuclear Football 80 Mars Rover 80 Tesla Coil 80
Keyhole Satellite.png Gene Map.png Otto Engine.png
Keyhole Satellite 80 Gene Map 80 Otto Engine 80
Bell's Telephone.png Supersoldier Serum.png Cavendish's Scale.png
Bell's Telephone 80 Supersoldier Serum 80 Cavendish's Scale 80
Edison's Phonograph.png BetaGo.png
Edison's Phonograph 80 BetaGo 80

Lottery Machine No. 2

These Relics get added to the Relic Forge when Lottery Machine No. 2 is unlocked.

FTH Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Orphic Egg.png Atlantis Crystal.png
Orphic Egg 120 Atlantis Crystal 120

TECH Relic Forge
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
Item Cost in
Relic RF.png Relic RFs
SSS Relics Wilford's Engine.png AH602.png
Wilford's Engine 120 AH602 120