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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - Wikitext
  3. description - Wikitext
  4. affct - String
  5. hard - String
  6. source - Wikitext
  7. color - String
  8. earth - Integer
  9. water - Integer
  10. fire - Integer
  11. wind - Integer
  12. form - String
  13. element - String
  14. realm - String
  15. orangehard - String

This table has 110 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image description affct hard source color earth water fire wind form element realm orangehard
9-Tailed Fox (edit) 9-Tailed Fox

9-Tailed Fox.png

This Snail Shell contains the cultivation of a thousand-year-old 9-Tailed Fox. The Snail that wears it will gain its powerful magic, as well as its BO.


Rare Rent from Female Daemons

purple 7 5 5 9 Zombie Water Bharata ATK
A Granted Wish (edit) A Granted Wish

A Granted Wish.png

The most wonderful thing in the world that grants Snail strength, and can even make just about anything happen. The only drawback is that there are too few of them.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.2%)

purple 7 5 7 7 Angel Wind Murika DEF
Abyss Ash (edit) Abyss Ash

Abyss Ash.png

There was a Snail hero named Ash that lived in the abyss, facing the darkness while fighting endless enemies. After Ash died, their student inherited this Snail Shell and named it a beautiful shell. After joining the travelers, it was renamed to Abyss Ash.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.515

Zoroaster's Torch.png Tesla Coil.png Phoenix Feather.png Prometheus Torch.png Otto Engine.png

purple 6 6 7 7 Demon Earth Yamato HP
Alloyed Saw (edit) Alloyed Saw

Alloyed Saw.png

This Snail Shell is known for its large round saw. Even the Snail that wears it is a little scared, Some of the wiser Snail use it in place of air conditioning.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.4207

Guillotine.png Tetromino.png Linde's Fridge.png Watt Steam Engine.png Leo's Plant.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Mecha Water Bharata DEF
Angel's Hug (edit) Angel's Hug

Angel's Hug.png

Snail Shell's first owner was a martyr, who was dead when pilgrims found it. The pilgrims claimed that the owner had returned to the angels, but those who stole Snail Shell found a diary that asked for Satan's blessing.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.6083

The Last Supper.png Golden Scarab.png Forbidden Fruit.png Ark of Covenant.png Shroud of Turin.png

blue 5 3 3 3 Angel Earth Britland ATK
Anti-aircraft Gun (edit) Anti-aircraft Gun

Anti-aircraft Gun.png

Supplied by Colt, an American weapon seller known for firing at ditches. They have failed to get most bids in reent years and had to produce Snail Shell instead to tide them over.


Divine Order Chest (0.1%)

orange 10 13 9 10 Mecha Wind Britland RUSH
Apollo Helmet (edit) Apollo Helmet

Apollo Helmet.png

The helmet worn by Armstrong when he landed on the moon. The project encouraged humankind as well as other creatures, and when news about the fake landing broke out, Jackfield, the snail astronaut, said it was real and that he would swear on his antennae.


Divine Order Chest (0.8%)

green 1 2 0 3 Mecha Wind Cathay HP
Batsuit (edit) Batsuit


Also known as the flying mouse suit, it was once the signature outfit of Tom Soros, the Vigilante. While it protects him, it also makes it easier to hide at night, making it great for nighttime combat.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.1%)

orange 10 9 12 11 Mecha Fire Hellas HP
Big Mec (edit) Big Mec

Big Mec.png

After the Snail Shell broke was damaged, the Snail agent from Resin city created another Snail Shell from a hamburger. Not bad!


Divine Order Chest (0.4%)

blue 3 5 4 2 Mutant Fire
Biker Gang (edit) Biker Gang

Biker Gang.png

The travelers used to hand out these helmets, but too many were caught speeding, so the travelers stopped issuing them.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.2%)

purple 8 7 5 6 Mutant Earth Yamato ATK
Black Dahlia (edit) Black Dahlia

Black Dahlia.png

Supposedly, Snail Shell is a favorite of Jack the Ripper, who would wear it when out looking for victims and even until when he was sent to the gallows.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.9910

Gloomy Sunday.png Murder On The Train.png Murders in Rue Morgue.png Crime and Punishment.png Boy with Apple.png

green 2 1 2 1
Black Hole (edit) Black Hole

After losing massive energy following consumption by the Star Destroyer, it ultimately fused with its Snail Shell and stabilized in near-physical form.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.9901

Solar Sail.png Mystic Mountain.png Hevelius Chart.png Pillars of Creation.png Sparkler Award.png

orange 11 10 11 10 Dragon Earth Rift HP
Blessing of the Gods (edit) Blessing of the Gods

Blessing of the Gods.png

The Snail Shell is one of the possessions belonging to the Celestial Messenger and, supposedly, you can hear divine revelation from it. After its owner disappeared, the Travelers examined the Snail Shell and announced they found numerous voice recorders inside!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.8830

Ixion's Wheel.png Capitoline Wolf.png Statue of Isis.png Ludovisi Ares.png Hermes & Dionysus.png

purple 8 6 6 6 Angel Earth Rift DEF
Blood Clot (edit) Blood Clot

Blood Clot.png

Before its previous owner, the Shadow Duke, passed away, the Snail Shell didn't look like this. Its look changed when the Shadow Duke was killed by congealed blood. The duke's last thought was that maybe he shouldn't have sucked the congealed blood but ketchup.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.3541

Blood of Dracula.png Supersoldier Serum.png Double Helix DNA.png Origin of Species.png Gene Map.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Zombie Wind Bharata ATK
Blood Mill Shell (edit) Blood Mill Shell

Blood Mill Shell.png

Made by Gabriel, the owner of the boutique, and was loved by male Snail. It also earned the best Snail Shell design of the year. One night, it was taken away by a devourer.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.794

Moai.png Nefertiti Bust.png Athena Statue.png Mermaid Statue.png Royal Doll.png

blue 2 5 4 3 Mutant Earth Kemet DEF
Boom... (edit) Boom...


The first piece of art in the Q collection. The designer claimed that the inspiration came from an explosion, and he was later fired for creating dangerous art.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.1%)

orange 10 10 13 9 Demon Fire Murika HP
Bronze Hot Pot (edit) Bronze Hot Pot

Bronze Hot Pot.png

John designed this Snail Shell to sell hot pots to Snail, and it somehow became a combat item.


Divine Order Chest (0.8%)

green 2 2 0 2 Mutant Fire Murika HP
Cracked Bone Shell (edit) Cracked Bone Shell

Cracked Bone Shell.png

Snail Shell's previous owner was called the Splitter, known for their mastery over mirror images. Under their influence, Snail Shell also had a similar feature that enhances the wielder's mirror images.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.2680

Buddha Tooth Sarira.png Holy Loaves.png Double Helix DNA.png Particle Collider.png Tyr's Arm.png

purple 6 6 7 7 Mutant Wind Kemet HP
Dance the night away (edit) Dance the night away

Dance the night away.png

A party fanatic's best invention. With this shell and a portable speaker, you can dance wherever you want!


EDM Event: Tour Super Gacha Machine (2%)

purple 7 6 6 7 Dragon Fire Rift ATK
Dark Neutron (edit) Dark Neutron

Dark Neutron.png

Some say that the dark neutron can block all attacks and that the Spear of Longinus can penerate everything. The dark neutron was able to withstand the attack, and its owner is now known as the unbreakable shield.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.4173

Ishikawa Antitheft.png Causality.png Gordian Knot.png Yamato Mirror.png Avelon.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Mutant Earth Bharata HP
Dark Wizard Crystal (edit) Dark Wizard Crystal

Dark Wizard Crystal.png

Hailing from the witch dimension, the dark art crystal combined the hand of the witch and the Snail Shell to obtain the witch's power, for scratching.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.2776

Requiem.png Blood of Dracula.png Soul Stone.png Glass Coffin.png Ranjyatai Incense.png

purple 6 6 7 7 Demon Fire Hellas HP
Decayed Shell (edit) Decayed Shell

Decayed Shell.png

The owner of Snail Shell was known as the Origin of Corruption because they came from the Northwestern Hills and were good at creating bionic parts with corrupted flesh. However, they also stole this Snail Shell.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.5189

Sleeping Gypsy.png Gee Virus.png Paradise Lost.png Causality.png The Scream.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Zombie Earth
Decaying Shell (edit) Decaying Shell

Decaying Shell.png

The owner of Snail Shell was called Sad Timmy, who was able to produce corrosive slime that turns everything it sees into food. Since the process requires a large number of calories, the holder actually becomes hungrier as they eat.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.574

Pear Basket.png Big Fish Bone.png The Last Supper.png 1982 Wine.png Mutant Fungus.png

blue 2 3 4 5 Zombie Fire Murika DEF
Devotee (edit) Devotee


Only the most pious devotee would carry an altar weighing more than 5 kg on themselves. Their devotion is the fuel to the divine fire and what keeps it burning!


$14.99 Altar Value Pack

blue 3 3 4 4 Angel Fire
Dice of Probability (edit) Dice of Probability

Dice of Probability.png

Resin City is also known as the city of probabilities, because the families of four master statisticians live here, with Dars at their head. The dice of probability was their creation.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.1%)

orange 12 10 10 10 Mecha Earth Koryeo ATK
Dragon Blood Crystal (edit) Dragon Blood Crystal

Dragon Blood Crystal.png

Snail Shell was owned by someone called the Dragon Ranger, who infused the object with its strength as a gift to its successor.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.9742

Dragon Medal.png Dragon Crystal.png Hillary's Pickaxe.png Im's Arrow.png Dragon Radar.png

green 1 1 2 2 Dragon Wind Yamato RUSH
Dragon's Keepsake (edit) Dragon's Keepsake

Dragon's Keepsake.png

This Snail Shell was once a collection of the Traveler known as Cave Master, who wore it often to flaunt his wealth. After his home was robbed, the Snail Shell became his last legacy and carefully preserved.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.4217

Golden Apple.png La Peregrina.png Carmen Lucia Ruby.png Bimaran Casket.png Silmarils.png

green 1 2 0 3
Duck Bro (edit) Duck Bro

Duck Bro.png

Partners received this special gift after Traveler Duck Bro left this dimension. They will be reminded of that glamorous time when they fought together whenever they put it on.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.2666

Divine Comedy.png Aladdin's Lamp.png Prometheus Torch.png Voyager 1.png The Thinker.png

orange 11 10 10 11 Angel Wind Cathay HP
Fairy's Whisper (edit) Fairy's Whisper

Fairy's Whisper.png

Snail Shell was owned by the Spirit Sage, whose dimension was invaded by a new technology that destroyed its castle and cut off the halls of magic. The fairies lost their home, and could not but perform on the streets singing: "The snow glows white on the street tonight..."


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.7098

Izu Dancer.png Cornucopia.png Sunflowers.png Leaf of Yggdrasil.png Tree of Life.png

green 4 1 0 1 Angel Earth Hellas ATK
Field Generator (edit) Field Generator

Field Generator.png

The memory crystal of Snail Shell's former owner Titanium Chariot contains the following memory: A robot holding onto a box, hiding in the corner of an alley. The Snail in the box emits a weak field. Warning! Crystal error! Do not download data into the crystal!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.8816

Fuel Cell.png Linde's Fridge.png Ark Reactor.png Tesla Coil.png Quantum Cat.png

blue 9 8 9 8 Mecha Water Yamato RUSH
Flask (edit) Flask


Formal is one of the few time travelers who managed to run away from Pawson. Seriously injured as it is, damaged Pawson to some extent. It keeps Pawson's tissue in the flask to encourage itself, in hope of killing Pawson one day!


Growth Track - Oriented Project - VIP Project ($19.99) - Tier 1 reward

green 1 2 2 1 Mutant Water Britland HP
Flawless Skull (edit) Flawless Skull

Flawless Skull.png

The Snail agent, known as the Supernova Brain, spends every day of its life thinking, so it doesn't have time for love and relationships. The three things it thinks about are: Who am I? Where am I from? Who do I like mayonnaise?


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.5745

Skull of Valor.png Rubik's Cube.png Boltzmann Brain.png Tetromino.png Head of Paramara.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Mutant Earth Britland DEF
Fountain of Life (edit) Fountain of Life

Fountain of Life.png

The Traveler known as the Court of Life has the terrifying power to leech lifeforce from others for its own. In the time of peace, it would sustain through HP potions. To prevent starvation, it gave the Snail Shell a makeover into hat it is right now.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.772

Lucy the Ape.png Enuma Elish.png Red Algae Fossil.png Cellular Pathology.png Ebers Papyrus.png

orange 10 11 11 10 Demon Water Rift DEF
Giant Femur (edit) Giant Femur

Giant Femur.png

This bone might come from a tyrannosaur. During the 90s, a tyrannosaur suddenly appeared, but it was subdued by agents after suffering huge losses. The travelers hoped to dissect the creature to see how it appeared there, but results show it was just an obese lizard.


Divine Order Chest (0.1%)

orange 13 10 9 10 Zombie Water Kemet RUSH
Giant Scale (edit) Giant Scale

Giant Scale.png

The Snail agent called Angry Roar came from the pet dimension far away. They were once trapped in a small sphere and forced to fight monsters. After they learned how to increase in size, they knocked their owner unconscious and ran away.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1791

Fungus XL.png Prehistoric Fossil.png Golden Chariot.png Deity Quetzalcoatl.png Jormungandr Scale.png

green 1 1 2 2
Globe (edit) Globe


The Snail Shell came from John Bruce, a geologist that measured the Earth by walking, discovered dimensions by looking, and crafted a globe by talking. "Move the hammer to the left by 3 micrometers." He said to the craftsman.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.1%)

orange 11 10 10 11 Mutant Earth Koryeo RUSH
GM T-Shirt (edit) GM T-Shirt

GM T-Shirt.png

Game managers wear the same snail shirts every day, and ask their family and friends to spend money on the game, so the game managers can get paid!


Dragon Wish "I want to meet the GM"

blue 3 4 5 2 Dragon Water Yamato HP
Grandpa Grilled Wings (edit) Grandpa Grilled Wings

Grandpa Grilled Wings.png

Clown Express delivered this Snail Shell. The courier found a pair of wings on his way and tried to cook and eat them. After losing a few teeth, he decided to return it to the Traveler.


Clown Express

green 1 2 3 0 Zombie Fire Murika ATK
Gravity Hammer (edit) Gravity Hammer

Gravity Hammer.png

To join the tournament, the Hammer Terminator changed its head to a hammer. It led to victory, but also to its eventual death...


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.3934

Costa Rica Stone.png Galileo's Ball.png Archimedes' Lever.png Devol's Robot.png Mars Rover.png

green 1 1 2 2 Mecha Earth Bharata HP
Hamster Ball (edit) Hamster Ball

Hamster Ball.png

Also known as the hamster shaper, this is the first time they collaborate with Snail Shell. For every Snail Shell created during the collaboration, a hamster will be sealed away.


Divine Order Chest (0.2%)

purple 7 7 7 5 Demon Water Hellas DEF
Handmade Steamed Buns (edit) Handmade Steamed Buns

Handmade Steamed Buns.png

These buns are specially made for travelers. Not only are they exceptionally large in size, but their outer skin is also remarkably firm. They can be carried on one's person and the taste is so delightful that it's truly unforgettable!

CIV ATK purple 6 7 6 7 Dragon Fire Rift ATK
Hazardous Substance (edit) Hazardous Substance

Hazardous Substance.png

To run for the president, the owner of a pharmaceutical company sprayed dangerous substances all over the city, polluting some Snail Shell. Then the owner created a cure to modify the minds of activists in jail.


Divine Order Chest (0.2%)

purple 6 6 7 7 Mecha Earth Hellas RUSH
Heart Crystal (edit) Heart Crystal

Heart Crystal.png

This Snail Shell once followed the Dreamweaver everywhere, helping it with building massive fantasies and blocking countless physical and mental attacks. As the Dreamweaver fell, it inherited its owner's power, and waited silently until the next owner...


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.103

David.png Maya Slate.png Athena Statue.png Gaea's Hand.png Unispark.png

orange 10 10 11 11 Dragon Wind Bharata ATK
Heavy Exoskeleton (edit) Heavy Exoskeleton


With the help of the heavy exoskeleton, even the weakest Snail can pick up extremely heavy things. But if the exoskeleton falls into the water...


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.3862

Ark Reactor.png Hawking's Wheelchair.png Houmuwu Ding.png Golden Chariot.png Jade Burial Suit.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Mecha Fire
Hellfire Shell (edit) Hellfire Shell

Hellfire Shell.png

A dying Snail signed a pact with demons to serve hell in exchange for immortality. They became a messenger running errands and buying coffee for them. The transformation code is: Beware of burning candles at night!


Bionic Part Value Pack II ($49.99)

purple 6 6 7 7 Dragon Fire Murika HP
High-Dimensional Waypoint (edit) High-Dimensional Waypoint


Snail Shell is crafted by an agent nicknamed the Observer, who also writes novels and receives tons of blades in the mail for it. Once a reader even delivered the blades themselves and explained how to use them.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.13

Eye of Akamoddo.png Da Vinci's Notes.png Archimedes' Lever.png 1001 Nights.png Maya Slate.png

orange 10 10 11 11 Mutant Wind Bharata DEF
Holy Cross Wheel (edit) Holy Cross Wheel

Holy Cross Wheel.png

Snail Shell's previous owner was called the Shining Valkyrie. To show its faith and loyalty, it found a master craftsman to forge this Snail Shell. In return, it gained a blessed spear and started its own journey.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.3410

Golden Scarab.png Holy Loaves.png Athena Statue.png Horn of Heimdall.png Holy Nail.png

purple 6 6 7 7 Angel Wind Kemet HP
Holy Spirit Ossuarium (edit) Holy Spirit Ossuarium

Holy Spirit Ossuarium.png

This Snail Shell is made after Apollo's fall. The eternal light inherited it from their father, and created the angel family. When the family fell on hard times, they claimed that they needed the money to revive Apollo, and will pay the money back to Snail once he is awakened.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1800

3-Faced Statue.png Hera's Peacock Fan.png Unispark.png Lyre of Hermes.png Golden Wheat.png

orange 10 10 11 11 Angel Earth Koryeo HP
Horse of Fate (edit) Horse of Fate

Horse of Fate.png

Snail Shell was part of a huge wooden horse when it was first designed. Then a traveler realized that its head can be removed and used as a standalone Snail Shell.


Divine Order Chest (0.8%)

green 1 2 2 1 Demon Fire Hellas RUSH
Instant Camera (edit) Instant Camera

Instant Camera.png

This fast-developing camera was a standard issue among travelers. After the factory went out of business, the Instant Camera could no longer be used due to the lack of film.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.8%)

green 4 1 0 1 Mutant Water Cathay RUSH
Jet Shell (edit) Jet Shell

Jet Shell.png

A turbine engine is added to this Snail Shell for greater power and speed!


Divine Chaos Chest (0.8%)

green 0 0 1 5 Mecha Fire Cathay DEF
Killer Satellite (edit) Killer Satellite

To strike the enemy from a long distance, Cosmic Tracker created this model of Snail Shell, stocking with multiple weapons that could assault targets from afar!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1926

Solar Sail.png Rutherford Model.png AMS.png Black Body.png Goldbach Conjecture.png

purple 6 8 7 5 Mecha Water
King's New Clothes (edit) King's New Clothes

King's New Clothes.png

If you don't see anything after putting it on, then you are a fool. This is the most beautiful outfit in the world.


Dragon Wish "I'm done being a snail!"

purple 6 6 7 7 Dragon Wind Cathay ATK
Kitten Shell (edit) Kitten Shell

Kitten Shell.png

Anyone that sees this Snail Shell would think it's a Kitten. But it's actually a costume that Kitten made Puppy wear after defeating them.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.8%)

green 1 1 2 2 Angel Wind Bharata HP
Lacqured Armor (edit) Lacqured Armor

Lacqured Armor.png

The armor is crafted by a great craftsman of that time. It is also known as "Sendai armor" because it was used by Date Masamune and his vassals, and is based on a prototype of the Yukishita armor.


Divine Order Chest (0.2%)

purple 5 5 10 6 Mutant Fire Cathay RUSH
Lamp Shell (edit) Lamp Shell

Lamp Shell.png

The previous owner of Snail Shell was called the Nightmare Doll. They asked a question before travelling: Will there be cabbage? No one knew if Gaia answered before they made the journey.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.5695

Haunted Cabinet.png Andersen's Fairytales.png Paradise Lost.png Killing Stone.png Pinocchio.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Demon Wind Britland HP
Law of Inferno (edit) Law of Inferno

The Traveler known as the Demonlord of the 6th Heaven once visited various high monks in a quest for the true meaning of life. It immediately made Snail Shell after the journey was over and indicated that only the eternal fire within oneself is the sole truth!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1261

Mother and Daughter.png Theogony.png Seated Voltaire.png Ansidei Madonna.png Annunciation.png

purple 7 6 6 7 Demon Earth Rift RUSH
Light Bulb (edit) Light Bulb

Light Bulb.png

Manufactured by a poor brand with no regard for durability, and only sold to those Snail that are looking for unrealistic deals. Guarantee to electrocute the wearer.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.2%)

purple 7 5 5 9 Zombie Wind Cathay RUSH
Lightless Scale (edit) Lightless Scale

Lightless Scale.png

The agent known as the phantom dragon is also called the Hermit because of their dim scales. Before joining the travellers, they made money from fortune-telling. During one such session, they decided to give up fortune-telling and learn combat instead. The truth was that they were beaten up by a customer.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.766

Crystal Skull.png Africa Star.png Artificial Blackhole.png Mahakala Scroll.png Crystal Piano.png

orange 10 10 11 11 Dragon Water Britland HP
Lollipop (edit) Lollipop


A favorite of all children, a reminder of one's wonderful childhood, the choice of lovers of sweets, but attracts ants very easily...

FAME ATK green 1 1 1 3 Zombie Wind
Lucifer's Wing (edit) Lucifer's Wing

Lucifer's Wing.png

After a dark art ritual, the power of Lucifer, the lord of hell, was infused into Snail Shell. The wearer becomes the Demon Lord's kin.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.1%)

orange 9 10 14 9 Angel Wind Yamato RUSH
Luxury Shell I (edit) Luxury Shell I

Luxury Shell I.png

Top luxury product tailored for Snail moneybags to show off as a statue symbol!


Divine Order Chest (0.2%)

purple 8 7 5 6 Zombie Fire Murika ATK
Luxury Shell II (edit) Luxury Shell II

Luxury Shell II.png

Launched by a well-known luxury brand. Wearing it will give you a sense of nobility and sophistication. Even though nothing else has changed!


Divine Order Chest (0.4%)

blue 5 3 4 2 Zombie Water Kemet ATK
Luxury Shell III (edit) Luxury Shell III

Luxury Shell III.png

A stylish luxury brand! This is their first Snail Shell offering and sure to be a collector's item!


Divine Order Chest (0.8%)

green 2 1 2 1 Zombie Water
Machine Hive (edit) Machine Hive

Machine Hive.png

Snail Shell's previous owner, Beehive Intelligence, started a logistics and storage company using the mechanical hive and contributed to the victory of the Rezero War. Its transportation ability is much better than its combat prowess. After it went missing, Snail, who claimed to be a relative, took over the company.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.2806

SkyWeb Hub.png The Art of War.png Unispark.png On War.png SDI.png

purple 6 6 7 7 Mecha Water
Maelstrom (edit) Maelstrom


Snail Shell is rumored to be created from the concentrated power of the Hurricane Lord. It not only grants the wearer control over storms, but can cool them down during hot summer in place of an electric fan!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1424

Hoxne Hoard.png Phaistos Disc.png Oxus Treasure.png Cyrus Cylinder.png Trajan's Column.png

orange 12 11 10 9 Dragon Wind Rift RUSH
Martyr Shell (edit) Martyr Shell

Martyr Shell.png

Snail Shell was owned by the Knight Of Light, whose existance was more formidable that the devil. It once tortured a Snail and turned it into a demon by channeling its hate, then purifying it with light to transform it into a loyal servant.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.4409

Golden Fleece.png Viking Horn.png Epic of Gilgamesh.png Cornucopia.png Templar Emblem.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Angel Fire Britland DEF
Mechanical Keyboard (edit) Mechanical Keyboard

Mechanical Keyboard.png

In the 22nd century, mechanical keyboards have taken over as the number one necessity for Snail.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.1%)

orange 10 12 10 10 Mutant Water Hellas DEF
Michael's Light (edit) Michael's Light

Michael's Light.png

To combat demons, Archangel Michael shone his light on the mortal world, and some Snail Shell have been blessed!


Divine Chaos Chest (0.1%)

orange 9 9 10 14 Angel Water Bharata HP
Midsummer Night's Dream (edit) Midsummer Night's Dream

Midsummer Night's Dream.png

The Dream Fairy, who owns Snail Shell, was a stage performer of some renown. To create more emotionally moving shows, they would insist on using real plants to construct stages and props, and Snail Shell is their masterpiece.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.9399

Brisingamen.png Gefjon's Plough.png Theogony.png Bowl of Hygieia.png The Thread of Fate.png

green 3 3 0 0
MK. IV Shell (edit) MK. IV Shell

MK. IV Shell.png

To male Snail, having a mecha Snail Shell is a wonderful thing!


Divine Chaos Chest (0.4%)

blue 3 4 3 4 Mecha Fire Murika ATK
Moai Shell (edit) Moai Shell

Moai Shell.png

Also known as the Easter Island statues. The residents there received help from a Snail to build those statues and gave this Snail Shell as a git to show their gratitude.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.8%)

green 2 1 1 2 Angel Water Yamato DEF
Monthong (edit) Monthong


This Snail Shell is known for its fragrance, and many wanted to buy it to see what was in it. But in fact, it was just the fragrance of Snail Shell's owner.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.4%)

blue 3 4 4 3 Zombie Earth Britland ATK
Music Box (edit) Music Box

Music Box.png

The carved message on the bottom of Snail Shell says, "even though this music box cannot make any sound, it contains the most wonderful music - life!" The message on the inside says, "I'm done! I can't get this to make any sound..."


Divine Chaos Chest (0.8%)

green 3 1 1 1 Demon Water Murika DEF
Necropolis (edit) Necropolis


When the soul of the immortal queen was finally captured, its descendants crowdfunded and bought the Snail Shell for it from the Travelers to be its resting place.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1061

Woman in Blue.png Veiled Lady.png Lucy the Ape.png Night Watch.png The Walking Man.png

purple 8 8 5 5 Zombie Wind Rift DEF
Nesting Doll (edit) Nesting Doll

Nesting Doll.png

The bottom of the nesting dolls says, "Beautiful Katyusha, I shall return in summer or fall."


Divine Order Chest (0.4%)

blue 3 4 4 3 Mutant Water Hellas HP
Nine-Headed Lion Statue (edit) Nine-Headed Lion Statue

Nine-Headed Lion Statue.png

This came from the Fool, the sculptor of Snail Shell. The Fool believed that Snail Shell could be a piece of art, and carved it late on night while looking in the mirror, thinking it was the best looking Snail Shell of the world.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.2%)

purple 6 7 7 6 Angel Earth Cathay ATK
Ninja Shell (edit) Ninja Shell

Ninja Shell.png

The Snail Shell perfectly combines ninja and turtles, paying tribute to the four legendary ninjas while looking innovative and flashy. Amazing!


Divine Chaos Chest (0.8%)

green 1 1 2 2 Demon Wind Bharata DEF
No-Wonder Fungus (edit) No-Wonder Fungus

No-Wonder Fungus.png

An extremely ordinary fungus that is of average size and shape. There is nothing mysterious about it.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.1%)

orange 10 10 12 10 Zombie Fire Hellas ATK
Palate of Devour (edit) Palate of Devour

Palate of Devour.png

To improve its own enjoyment of the buffet in the cafe, the Devourer evolved the Snail Shell to what you see now and more than doubled its consumption!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.5807

Mantis Specimen.png Goldfish Specimen.png Dung Beetle Specimen.png Surf Clam Specimen.png Hamster Specimen.png

green 1 2 1 2
Phantom Shell (edit) Phantom Shell

Phantom Shell.png

When the evil god destroyed a Snail, its rage coalesced in Snail Shell, turning the item spectral.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.4%)

blue 2 2 7 3 Angel Wind Kemet ATK
Primordial Entity (edit) Primordial Entity

Primordial Entity.png

The Traveler known as Primordial Dragon spent its entire life trying to create the perfect lifeform, even at the cost of its own life. But it never expected its greatest work failed to obtain life and was ultimately remade into the Snail Shell.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.368

Benben.png Vedas.png Orphic Egg.png Atlantis Crystal.png Popol Vuh.png

orange 12 10 11 9 Dragon Earth Rift HP
Proto Solar Reactor (edit) Proto Solar Reactor

Proto Solar Reactor.png

Snail Shell originally belonged to Captain Planet (alias), who was extremely intelligent. The Snail Shell is able to generate unlimited power and is one of the Captain's outstanding creations.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.8119

Psionic Jammer.png Runes.png Diffraction Device.png Susan's Horn.png Time Crystal.png

green 1 3 0 2
Psychic Bear Doll (edit) Psychic Bear Doll

Psychic Bear Doll.png

The second prize of art in the Q collection. Art is in the occult! The designer was inspired by his experiences scaring children, and he left the company because he was receiving death threats every day.


Divine Order Chest (0.1%)

orange 9 9 11 13 Demon Water Kemet RUSH
Pure Alchemist Stone (edit) Pure Alchemist Stone

Pure Alchemist Stone.png

The Obsidian Supremacy discovered the functions of the sephirot, and created the sephirot alchemy stone. They researched dark art for forty years but considered themselves young. Their diary recorded that they were at the age of eighteen.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.31

Lotus Chalice.png Gaea's Hand.png Maya Slate.png Divine Comedy.png Ragnarok.png

orange 10 10 11 11 Demon Earth Koryeo RUSH
Purple Clay Teapot (edit) Purple Clay Teapot

Purple Clay Teapot.png

A royal valuable that somehow ended up in the hands of commoners. A rich family from the south won the bid for it, and used it as their chamber pot.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.2%)

purple 8 6 5 7 Angel Water Kemet HP
Rainbow Shell (edit) Rainbow Shell

Rainbow Shell.png

The Snail agent also known as Dragon's Breath, invented rainbow magic and named Snail Shell after it. But the agent is not complacent, because the series has plenty of room for improvement.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.1466

Glass Coffin.png Phoenix Feather.png Lotus Chalice.png Somersault Cloud.png Magic Mirror.png

blue 3 3 4 4 Dragon Wind
Reflective Antenna (edit) Reflective Antenna

Reflective Antenna.png

No one knows anything about this mysterious figure that has been donating to the travelers.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.4%)

blue 3 3 5 3 Mecha Earth Murika RUSH
Rendlem Forest Light (edit) Rendlem Forest Light

A traveler was struck by an unidentified flying object while logging in Rendlem Forest, and when he awoke, he discovered that a week had passed and he had no impression of what happened.



green 1 1 1 3
Rose Shell (edit) Rose Shell

Rose Shell.png

"The bold design of flowers and Snail Shell is like Beethoven's symphony. Great works like this will stay forever."

- The designer's own comments about their work


Divine Chaos Chest (0.4%)

blue 4 3 3 4 Demon Water
Scabbed Shell (edit) Scabbed Shell

Scabbed Shell.png

This Snail Shell came from a boxer who trained every day against a steel board until they bled and their skin came off. Not sure why, but the boxer spends half an hour passing gas after each training session.


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.9034

Costa Rica Stone.png Supersoldier Serum.png Golden Finger.png Ali's Belt.png World Bowl.png

green 1 0 5 0 Zombie Wind Cathay HP
Sky OS (edit) Sky OS

Sky OS.png

Brand-new operating system manufactured by Snail Industries and installed on the Sky Destroyer to fantastic results. The only flaw being it would automatically update at the preset time, even in battle...


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.6530

Parker Solar Probe.png Energy Missile.png SAGE.png Wilford's Engine.png CAL 9000.png

purple 6 6 7 7 Mecha Wind Rift HP
Smilodon Skull (edit) Smilodon Skull

Smilodon Skull.png

An accessory for the fireplace, distributed by the travelers. It is to remind Snail to protect their environment at all times. The PETA opposes handing out animal skulls, so now they hand out frozen mammoths.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.2%)

purple 8 6 5 7 Demon Fire Bharata RUSH
Snail Shell (edit) Snail Shell

Snail Shell.png

green 1 1 1 1
Snooker (edit) Snooker


For some creatures, snooker is a terrible sport because they've been kicked around by bigger animals.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.2%)

purple 6 6 7 7 Mutant Water Britland DEF
Snowman (edit) Snowman


The wearer of Snail Shell is protected from the cold and will be able to unleash a freezing beam to fight their enemies.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.4%)

blue 5 3 2 4 Demon Fire Koreyo DEF
Soul Pill (edit) Soul Pill

Soul Pill.png

Due to its unique body composition, the Alchemy Doll was not destroyed after falling into the Alchemy Furnace, but left behind this marvelous elixir to accompany those who follow!


Memetic Catalyst - Traveler No.Unknown

The Blood of Nessus.png Arabian Bronze Hand.png Royal Purple Heart.png Mouth Of Truth.png Flask of Life.png

green 1 2 2 1
Taichi Shell (edit) Taichi Shell

Taichi Shell.png

Printing Koryeo's icon to Snail Shell can better blend into the local scene for information gathering, as well as to gain a certain protection.


Divine Neutral Chest (0.8%)

green 3 2 1 0 Angel Fire Koryeo ATK
Taotie Cauldron (edit) Taotie Cauldron

Taotie Cauldron.png

The cauldron that Taotie used to eat with. The saliva left behind by Taotie over the years gave the cauldron a portion of its power. When Snail puts it on, power surges through their body live lava, and devours everything in their stomach.


Divine Order Chest (0.1%)

orange 10 10 11 11 Mutant Fire Koryeo HP
Thousand Faced Rubic Cube (edit) Thousand Faced Rubic Cube

Thousand Faced Rubic Cube.png

A thousand-faced cube that took ten years to make. After the cube committee disqualified it, the creator made it into a sphere out of anger.


Divine Chaos Chest (0.2%)

purple 7 7 7 5 Mecha Wind Kemet RUSH
