Black Body

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Missing Info
Discord Logo.png Black Body is a work in progress and is missing information!
Missing: Mirage 6, Awakened, Description
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Lottery Machine No. 2 (0.12%)


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆☆☆ 42 20 41 27 62 Snail Leadership +3
Mutant Minion RUSH +3%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +24%
★★☆☆☆☆ 43 21 42 28 64 Snail Leadership +4
Mutant Minion RUSH +4%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +32%
★★★☆☆☆ 45 23 44 30 68 Snail Leadership +5
Mutant Minion RUSH +5%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +40%
★★★★☆☆ 49 27 48 34 74 Snail Leadership +7
Mutant Minion RUSH +7%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +56%
★★★★★☆ 55 33 54 40 84 Snail Leadership +9
Mutant Minion RUSH +9%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +72%
★★★★★★ 63 41 62 48 98 Snail Leadership +12
Mutant Minion RUSH +12%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +96%
Awakened 73 51 72 58 108 Snail Leadership +12
Mutant Minion RUSH +12%
In the Rebel Rocket Cabin:
> Dark Matter Reactor Base Effect +96%
Snail Leadership +5 (Awakened)


Biozilla skill III.png Place in a Biozilla: This Relic's TECH +15

Surfclam skill III.png Place in Surf Clam Biozilla: In Species War, All Minion RUSH +9%

Surfclam skill III.png Place in Surf Clam Biozilla: In Species War, Troop CRIT DMG +9%

Relic Resonance

Diffraction Device.pngBlack Body.png Wormhole Shards from Wormhole Refiner +7%
Mysterious Relic.pngOrphic Egg.pngTwo-headed Serpent.pngAntarctic Treaty.pngBlack Body.png In the Demon God Rocket Cabin: All device base effects +10%

Black Body

tech SSS

Mirage: Ideal Physical Model

TECH Gem +3, Mahakala's Offering

Enemy Unlocked at Recommended Power ATK DEF HP Weakness
Ideal Pendulum ★★★☆☆☆ 7.37M 84,967 56,684 2,119,722 TECH 18,219
Ideal Gas ★★★★☆☆ 10.3M 103,433 69,004 3,105,349 TECH 20,415
Spring Oscillator ★★★★★☆ 14.0M 124,164 82,835 4,432,536 TECH 22,790
Black Body Awakened
