Hevelius Chart

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Mirage: 4s Name, 5s, 6s, Awakened
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Star Chart Shop


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆☆☆ 42 36 26 60 28 Snail DEF +30
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +18
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +18
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
★★☆☆☆☆ 43 37 27 62 29 Snail DEF +40
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +24
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +24
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
★★★☆☆☆ 45 39 29 66 31 Snail DEF +50
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +30
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +30
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
★★★★☆☆ 49 43 33 72 35 Snail DEF +70
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +42
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +42
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
★★★★★☆ 55 49 39 82 41 Snail DEF +90
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +54
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +54
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
★★★★★★ 63 57 47 96 49 Snail DEF +120
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +72
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +72
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
Awakened 73 67 57 106 59 Snail DEF +120
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail DEF +72
Per Maxed Constellation, Snail RUSH +72
Constellations Maxed: 10/10
Snail DEF +100 (Awakened)


Quantumamp skill III.png Place in a Quantum Amp: This Relic's CIV +15

Quantumamp skill III.png Place in a Quantum Amp: Quantum Amp production +15%

Quantumamp skill III.png Place in a Quantum Amp: Quantum Amp Max Cap +30%

Relic Resonance

Hevelius Chart.pngMysterious Relic.png Quantum Amp production +7%
Hevelius Chart.pngVeiled Lady.pngThe Kiss.png In the Rebel Rocket Cabin, Anti-Gravity Device Base Effect +64%

Hevelius Chart

civ SSS

Mirage: Ancient Star Chart

CIV Gem +3, Nebula Chest.png Nebula Chest +200

Enemy Unlocked at Recommended Power ATK DEF HP Weakness
Vulpecula Chart ★★★☆☆☆ 22.6M 166,833 111,301 7,600,005 CIV 27,258
★★★★☆☆ 29.1M 194,844 129,988 10,039,072 CIV 30,078
Hevelius Chart Awakened


Hevelius, a Polish astronomer, created this chart. It is a classical star chart with high artistic value because the patterns were carefully drawn based on the constellation mythology. With vivid images and high accuracy comparable to some modern star charts, this chart is a masterpiece of classical star charts. It is worth noting that the chart's graphics are based on observations made outside the celestial sphere, as opposed to the results of terrestrial observations. }}