Tadpole Skills

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Blue Skills

Relic Skill Icon Skill

Bach Concerto.png Tadpolepond skill I.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Generate W-tads by +5%

Demoiselles d'Avignon.png Tadpolepond skill I.png Place in Tadpole Pond: This Relic's ART +5

Gregor Specimen.png Tadpolepond skill I.png Place in Tadpole Pond: B-tad Output +5%

Sleeping Gypsy.png Tadpolepond skill I.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Max Cap +5%

The Walking Man.png Tadpolepond skill I.png Place in Tadpole Pond: B-tad Output +5%

Purple Skills

Relic Skill Icon Skill

Boy with Goose.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: This Relic's ART +10

Haulers on Volga.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Generate W-tads by +15%

Haulers on Volga.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: This Relic's ART +10

Manneken Pis.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: B-tad Output +15%

Manneken Pis.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Max Cap +15%

Marquis Bell.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Max Cap +15%

Marquis Bell.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Generate W-tads by +15%

Mermaid Statue.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: B-tad Output +15%

Mermaid Statue.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: Max Cap +15%

Observatory.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: This Relic's TECH +10

Peacock Throne.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: B-tad Output +15%

Peacock Throne.png Tadpolepond skill II.png Place in Tadpole Pond: This Relic's ART +10

Further Tester Skills - To Be Removed

|- |Observatory.png |Cathay skill II.png |Place in Cathay Museum: Tech Checks -10