Guevara's Portrait

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Daily Pack ($0.99) Relic #4


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆☆☆ 61 40 24 25 42 Snail DEF +30
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +9
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +9
Chores Completed: 300/300
★★☆☆☆☆ 63 41 25 26 43 Snail DEF +40
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +12
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +12
Chores Completed: 300/300
★★★☆☆☆ 67 43 27 28 45 Snail DEF +50
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +15
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +15
Chores Completed: 300/300
★★★★☆☆ 73 47 31 32 49 Snail DEF +50
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +15
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +15
Chores Completed: 300/300
★★★★★☆ 83 53 37 38 55 Snail DEF +70
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +21
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +21
Chores Completed: 300/300
★★★★★★ 97 61 45 46 63 Snail DEF +120
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +36
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +36
Chores Completed: 300/300
Awakened 107 71 55 56 73 Snail DEF +120
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail ATK +36
Per 20 Chores completed, Snail DEF +36
Chores Completed: 300/300
Snail DEF +100 (Awakened)


Arena skill III.pngPlace in Snail Arena Compass: In Snail Arena, Snail ATK +600

Arena skill III.pngPlace in Snail Arena Compass: In Snail Arena, DMG REDUC +7.5%

Arena skill III.pngPlace in Snail Arena Compass: This Relic's FAME +15

Relic Resonance

Periodic Table Scripts.pngGuevara's Portrait.png Snail RUSH +70
Edison's Kinetoscope.pngGuevara's Portrait.pngMedal of Honor.pngPeriodic Table Scripts.pngFermat's Scripts.pngFire Chalice.png Defeated Daily Hitmen drop +12% W-tads


On May 20, 1968, Che Guevara's portrait was on display for the first time.

After Guevara's murder, Feltre asked Gutierrez for his photo and reprinted his memorial poster. This close-up of his face has become one of the most copied portraits ever, rivaling the Mona Lisa. All over the world, he has become an icon for activists and rebels. His determined look exudes character, and his charm is timeless.

[Che Guevara Quotes]

One has to grow hard but without ever losing tenderness. I am not a hero, but I fight alongside heroes. Let the world change you, and then you will change the world. Listen to the voice of the people.

Mirage: Liberator

FAME Gem x3, Toner x200

Enemy Unlocked at Recommended Power ATK DEF HP Weakness
Toussaint ★★★☆☆☆ 3.36M 52,963 35,372 905,784 FAME 13,732
St. Martin ★★★★☆☆ 5.98M 75,111 50,163 1,667,126 FAME 16,730
Bolivar ★★★★★☆ 10.1M 102,061 68,162 2,878,955 FAME 19,731
Hidalgo ★★★★★★ 15.9M 133,926 89,444 4,832,567 FAME 22,795
Guevara's Portrait Awakened 23.6M 171,211 114,345 7,614,983 FAME 26,123