Fire Chalice

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Missing Info
Discord Logo.png Fire Chalice is a work in progress and is missing information!
Special Stats: 1, 2, 3
Mirage: 3s Stats, 4s Stats, 6s, Awakened
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1 fragment per day from the Daily Gold Pack ($5 USD each, $200 USD total to unlock), Relic #1


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆☆☆ 61 38 26 37 30 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
★★☆☆☆☆ 63 39 27 38 31 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
★★★☆☆☆ 67 41 29 40 33 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
★★★★☆☆ 73 45 33 44 37 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +90
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +11% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +14
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
★★★★★☆ 83 51 39 50 43 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +100
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +13% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +16
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
★★★★★★ 97 59 47 58 51 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +120
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +15% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +20
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
Awakened 107 69 57 68 61 In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +120
When crafting an Orange Reagent, +15% to get +1
Per 5 Gold Daily Packs bought, Snail ATK +20
Gold Daily Packs: 300/300
In Dragon Form, Fire DMG +200 (Awakened)


Arena skill III.pngPlace in Snail Arena Compass: In Snail Arena, Fire DMG +600

Arena skill III.pngPlace in Snail Arena Compass: In Snail Arena, Wind DMG +600

Arena skill III.pngPlace in Snail Arena Compass: In Snail Arena, CRIT DMG +30%

Relic Resonance

Medal of Honor.pngFire Chalice.png Per Orange+ Gear equipped, Snail HP +140
Edison's Kinetoscope.pngGuevara's Portrait.pngMedal of Honor.pngPeriodic Table Scripts.pngFermat's Scripts.pngFire Chalice.png Defeated Daily Hitmen drop +12% W-tads

Fire Chalice

fame SSS

Mirage: Most Powerful Flame

FAME Gem +3, Lottery Ticket +5

Enemy Unlocked at Recommended Power ATK DEF HP Weakness
Elemental Flames ★★★☆☆☆
Abyssal Flames ★★★★☆☆
Hellish Flames ★★★★★☆ 9.28M 98,881 64,701 2,698,951 FAME 19,243
Fire Chalice Awakened


On Sep 7, 30,200 BC, Prometheus gave fire to humans with this Holy Grail.

That day, Prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and bring it to humanity. His cylindrical torch was covered with a special metal and held the gods' fire. No matter how strong the wind and rain are, they cannot extinguish it. In a rage, Zeus took Prometheus to the Caucasus and bound him to a steep cliff with an unbreakable chain so that he could never sleep. An eagle pecked Prometheus' liver every day until Heracles rescued him.