Rosetta Stone

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Fragment Crafting (31%), Lottery Machine (0.66%), Wishing (2.8%), Kemetic Treasure Maps (10%), Expert Scrolls (7.6%)


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆☆ 34 13 26 26 15 Snail RUSH +10
Fungus Farm upgrade Stone Cost -1%
★★☆☆☆ 36 14 27 27 16 Snail RUSH +20
Fungus Farm upgrade Stone Cost -2%
★★★☆☆ 40 16 29 29 18 Snail RUSH +30
Fungus Farm upgrade Stone Cost -3%
★★★★☆ 46 20 33 33 22 Snail RUSH +50
Fungus Farm upgrade Stone Cost -5%
★★★★★ 56 26 39 39 28 Snail RUSH +70
Fungus Farm upgrade stone cost -7%
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 61 31 44 44 33 Snail RUSH +70
Fungus Farm upgrade stone cost -7%
Snail RUSH +70 (Awakened)


Genesim skill II.png Place in Gene Sim Device: Snail ATK +30

Compass skill II.png Place in Exploration Compass: Snail HP +300

Relic Resonance

Hannibal's Cup.pngRosetta Stone.png Tadpole Pond B-tad Output +12%
Napoleon Painting.pngPhoenician Tablet.pngHawking's Wheelchair.pngRosetta Stone.png In any Realm, Angel Cells gained +8%


On Apr 19, 196 BC, the King of Ptolemaic Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes, issued this edict of surrender.

Facing the aggressive Alexander Empire, the 13-year-old Ptolemy V appointed Aristomenes as the new prime minister and regent. Most of Egypt's territory on the east of the Aegean Sea was taken over by the Seleucid Kingdom of the Alexander Empire at that time. The ambitious Seleucid King Antiochus III was unsatisfied and had formulated a detailed plan to attack Egypt. The new Prime Minister suggested that Ptolemy V surrender to Alexander the Great and carved the edict on a massive Egyptian basalt in Egyptian and Greek. Since then, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs have perished.