Missing Files

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Missing Info
Discord Logo.png Missing Files is a work in progress and is missing information!
Missing: List of files or icons that are missing from the wiki. Feel free to add any you notice are missing.
You can help Super Snail Wiki by submitting data or screenshots to the #wiki-gg channel on Discord!

List of files or icons that are missing from the wiki. Feel free to add any you notice are missing.


Finished Icons can be seen on the following pages:


Existing Soul Images: https://supersnail.wiki.gg/index.php?search=File%3ASoul&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=1

  • 1h Soul Green.png 1h Soul Green - (Green/Neutral)
  • 2h Soul Green.png 2h Soul Green - (Green/Neutral)
  • File:4h Soul Green.png 4h Soul Green - (Green/Neutral)
  • 8h Soul Green.png 8h Soul Green - (Green/Neutral)

Unique Offerings

Cathay Generals

  • Byakko Spirit.png Byakko Spirit
  • Genbu Spirit.png Genbu Spirit
  • Seiryuu Spirit.png Seiryuu Spirit
  • Suzaku Spirit.png Suzaku Spirit

  • Prestige.png Prestige

  • Pears
  • 3 Things you gather while exploring that you open at the end

Common Icons


  • Snail Honor.png Snail Honor (Can be found in Vet Training. Either in the weekly purchases or shown as a reward when challenging a trainer.


Golden Week

  • Flip Card Ticket.png Flip Card Ticket (Get bigger version)
  • Happy Coin.png Happy Coin (Get better version that's not cut off)
  • File:Lightning Serum.png Lightning Serum
  • Silver Hammer.png Silver Hammer (Get better, more detailed version like other hammers)

Minion Sim

Minion Skins




Vending Machine Icons

Fissure Shop

Wormhole and Rocket Parts

Please either upload these with tier designations (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) or color designations (White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange). I can make either work with Template:GetColorImage.

Earth's Rebels

Demon Gods

Earth's Will