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This template is designed to get images for icons that have multiple color variants. The template is kind of dumb so it only works with B-Tadpole, Stone, Wood, Wonder Fungus, and Wormhole Shards. If other families of color variants get added this Template will have to be updated.

This template can also be used to call the generic, not colored version of these families and any other image that doesn't have color variants.

Color - Color must match the image name that you are trying to match. Capitalization and spelling matter. Suggestions are: Green, Blue, Orange, Red, and NoColor. Default value is NoColor
Size - Default value is 50
If you specify a size, you must specify a color.


Description Image
B-Tadpole Green Frameless 75x75 File Test Case B-Tadpole Green.png
GetColorImage B-Tadpole Green Size 75 B-Tadpole Green.png
GetColorImage Stone Blue Size 75 Stone Blue.png
GetColorImage Wood Purple Size 75 File:Wood Purple.png
GetColorImage Wonder Fungus Orange Size 75 Wonder Fungus Orange.png
GetColorImage Wormhole Shard Green Size 75 Wormhole Shard Green.png
GetColorImage Wood No Color Size 75 Wood.png
GetColorImage Frost Drake
[Doesn't have a color version]
Frost Drake.png
GetColorImage Multiple on the same line B-Tadpole Green.pngStone Blue.pngWonder Fungus Orange.png
GetColorImage Multiple on different lines B-Tadpole Green.png
Stone Blue.png
Wonder Fungus Orange.png

Examples with Defaults

Description Image
GetColorImage B-Tadpole Green with Default Size B-Tadpole Green.png
GetColorImage Wood with Default Color and Size Wood.png
GetColorImage Frost Drake with Default Color and Size
[Doesn't have a color version]
Frost Drake.png

No description.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

11 ImageName

no description

22 Color

no description

Suggested values
Green Blue Orange Red NoColor
33 Size

no description

Suggested values
75 50