Weekly Special

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Collect stamps in Weekly Event for rewards!

How to Get

Stamps will be cleared at the end of this event!

  • Per Spirit Crystal.png Spirit Crystal obtained, Event Stamp.png Event Stamp +1
  • Per Carnival Balloon.png Carnival Balloon obtained, Event Stamp.png Event Stamp +1
  • Per Mystery Ash.png Mystery Ash obtained, Event Stamp.png Event Stamp +1

Special Reward

Basic is free, Ultimate is $14.99

Event Stamp.png Event Stamps Basic Ultimate
999 Quantum Gel +100 Quantum Gel +200
1,000 Nebula Chest +100 Police Chan-hee(Avatar), Lottery Ticket +5
2,000 Nebula Chest +100 Wish Coin +2
3,000 Nebula Chest +100 Offering Speedup +8h
3,999 Quantum Gel +100 Quantum Gel +200
4,000 Nebula Chest +100 Relic RF +10, Lottery Ticket +5
5,000 Nebula Chest +100 Wish Coin +2
6,000 Nebula Chest +100 Offering Speedup +8h
6,999 Quantum Gel +100 Quantum Gel +200
7,000 Nebula Chest +100 Singularity Crystal, Lottery Ticket +5
8,000 Nebula Chest +100 Wish Coin +2
9,000 Nebula Chest +100 Offering Speedup +8h
9,999 Quantum Gel +100 Quantum Gel +200
10,000 Nebula Chest +100 Relic RF +20, Lottery Ticket +5
11,000 Nebula Chest +100 Wish Coin +2
12,000 Nebula Chest +100 Offering Speedup +8h
12,999 Quantum Gel +100 Quantum Gel +200
13,000 Nebula Chest +100 Singularity Crystal, Lottery Ticket +5
14,000 Nebula Chest +100 Wish Coin +2
15,000 Nebula Chest +100 Offering Speedup +8h
15,999 Quantum Gel +100 Quantum Gel +200
16,000 Singularity Crystal Kepler Telescope, Lottery Ticket +5