Pumpkin Coach

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Lottery Machine (0.07%), Novice Scrolls (1%), Wishing (2.1%)


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆ 23 20 17 29 10 Per 10 CIV-Fungi eaten, Snail RUSH +1
CIV-Fungi Eaten: 500/500
★★☆☆ 24 21 18 31 11 Per 10 CIV-Fungi eaten, Snail RUSH +2
CIV-Fungi Eaten: 500/500
★★★☆ 26 23 20 35 13 Per 10 CIV-Fungi eaten, Snail RUSH +3
CIV-Fungi Eaten: 500/500
★★★★ 30 27 24 41 17 Per 10 CIV-Fungi eaten, Snail RUSH +5
CIV-Fungi Eaten: 500/500
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 33 30 27 44 20 Per 10 CIV-Fungi eaten, Snail RUSH +5
CIV-Fungi Eaten: 500/500
Snail RUSH +50 (Awakened)


Genesim skill I.pngPlace in Gene Sim Device: Snail DEF +10 each round

Relic Resonance

Pumpkin Coach.pngLeo's Plant.png Mutant Gene Research SPD +3%
Throne of Pope.pngSleeping Gypsy.pngPumpkin Coach.pngPenicillin Sample.pngFaraday's Dynamo.png Lottery Green Beads turn to Blue by +1.6%


On Aug 28, AD 651, Cinderella took this carriage and attended the ball. Cinderella was invited to the prince's ball, but was hindered by her stepmother and two step-sisters. The fairy godmother cast magic on Cinderella so that no one could recognize her, and turned a pumpkin into a carriage as her transportation to the ball. This gave the helpless Cinderella a chance to attend the ball. On the next day, the dumb prince finally found her through the glass slipper. Since then, they have lived happily ever after.