Zombie Form

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Zombie Sequences

Each sequence is acquired from a unique source and all four are required to obtain the T4 Zombie Evolution.

Trait Source Boosts Rewards
Brain Parasite The Vending Machine In Zombie Form, Snail HP +5%
Explore in Zombie Form, gain +2% Evo Chests
Free Research Speedup (Zombie) +5m
5000 B-tads
Zombie Cell +1200
Evolution Chest +50
Alien Hookworm Chichikaka friendship storyline In Zombie Form, Snail HP +5%
Explore in Zombie Form, gain +2% Evo Chests
Free Research Speedup (Zombie) +5m
5000 B-tads
Zombie Cell +1200
Evolution Chest +50
The Tyrant's Cell Defeat the Robot Guard In Zombie Form, Snail HP +5%
Explore in Zombie Form, gain +2% Evo Chests
Free Research Speedup (Zombie) +5m
5000 B-tads
Zombie Cell +1200
Evolution Chest +50
Antiseptic Stone Unlock all 5 Forms In Zombie Form, Snail HP +5%
Explore in Zombie Form, gain +2% Evo Chests
Free Research Speedup (Zombie) +5m
5000 B-tads
Zombie Cell +1200
Evolution Chest +50

Tiers and Stats

Base Stats

Below is each Tier and their base stats in Zombie Form. The stat bonus provided by obtained form sequences is not included until Tier 4 as it requires all four sequences to be activated.

Tier Form HP ATK DEF RUSH Bonuses
I Grave Keeper +20% +20% +10% +10% When in Zombie Form, gain +10% Evolution Chests in explorations
II Cursed Corpse +25% +25% +15% +15% When in Zombie Form, gain +19% Evolution Chests in explorations
III Abomination +25% +25% +15% +15% When in Zombie Form, gain +26% Evolution Chests in explorations
Free Gene Speedup (Zombie) +15m
IV Scavenger +35% +35% +25% +25% When in Zombie Form, gain +33% Evolution Chests in explorations
Free Gene Speedup (Zombie) +20m
V The Despot +35% +35% +25% +25% When in Zombie Form, gain +30% Evolution Chests in explorations
Free Gene Speedup (Zombie) +20m

Extra Boosts

After T4, FAME Relics can be awakened for extra boosts

Relics Awakened Boosts Rewards

Gene Research

After unlocking Zombie Form during early Evolution, the Super Gene Expert will arrive in the Mailbox to give you the parts necessary to unlock the Research Machine.

Research is divided according to the Tier of your Form, abbreviated to T1, T2, T3, etc. This is further divided into 8 separate research segments. The numbered list on the left shows an example DNA strand where 1A-1C is on the left and 2A-2C is on the right. These will switch back and forth with each tier, however 1 is always blue and corresponds to Snail Stat boosts across all Forms and 2 is always green and corresponds to Troop Stat boosts according to Zombie Minions in battle. The middle segment gives special bonuses and the last segment unlock the Ritual required to ascend to the next form.

Research Order

Note that items must be researched in a certain order, generally from top to bottom. Each segment has a certain number of levels and can only be researched as high as the previous segment. If 1A is only Lv.3 out of 5, 1B can only be researched to Lv.3 as well. The middle bubble can only be researched as high as the lowest of either B segment. If 1B is Lv.2 and 2B is Lv.1, the middle bubble can only be researched to Lv.1, etc. The final bubble (always 1 level) can only be researched when all other research before it is completed and will give the necessary ritual steps to ascend to the next tier.


Upgrading Zombie Form requires a certain amount of Zombie Cells and FAME. This form increases the chance of finding Evolution Chests during exploration.

Lv. Cost Effect DNA Strength
Time Cells B-tads
1 0:20:00 100 50 Snail HP +50 10
1 0:30:00 150 75 Snail ATK +10 12
1 0:40:00 200 100 Snail FAME +50
Explore in Zombie Form, gain +1% Evo Chests
HP Up Gene Z-I
1 0:20:00 100 50 Per 10 Zombie Minions in battle, Troop HP +60 10
ATK Up Gene Z-I
1 0:30:00 150 75 Per 10 Zombie Minions in battle, Troop ATK +6 12
All Genes Up Z-I
1 0:40:00 200 100 Per 10 Zombie Minions in battle, Troop HARD Stats +2 16
Genetic Resonance
1 0:30:00 150 75 Dispatchable Research Partners +1 30
Zombie Gene Lock II
1 1:00:00 600 300 Advance to Zombie Form T2: Cursed Corpse
Zombie Minion Max Tier Up

Lv. Cost Effect DNA Strength
Time Cells B-tads

Lv. Cost Effect DNA Strength
Time Cells B-tads

Lv. Cost Effect DNA Strength
Time Cells B-tads

Lv. Cost Effect DNA Strength
Time Cells B-tads


Once research is complete, a ritual will be started. Once the conditions are cleared, Zombie Form will rise in Tier.

Ritual How to Complete
Activate Sequence: Brain Parasite The Vending Machine
Activate Sequence: Alien Hookworm Chichikaka friendship storyline
Activate Sequence: The Tyrant's Cell Defeat the Robot Guard
Activate Sequence: Antiseptic Stone Unlock all 5 Forms
Get Zombie Toxin from Super Gene Expert Ascend after FAME reaches 4,000

Ritual How to Complete
Explore Koryeo in Zombie Form and find 5 Pusan Viruses Defeat the Viruses and obtain 5 Gene Segments Fight each of the 5 Viruses. This will take multiple explorations Clear the Ultimate Virus Trial Defeat all 10 levels in Zombie Form Reach Zombie Form Trial Lv.100 Ascend when FAME reaches 8,000

Ritual How to Complete
Clear Tutankhamun's Tomb (Fissure Fl.13) This event will be automatically added to the completed event Slumber for 36 hours in Pharaoh's grave "Sleep!" in Fissure Fl.13 for 36h to complete. Rewards Zombie Cell +3,000 Reach Zombie Form Trial Lv.200 Ascend after FAME reaches 15,000