Yamato INTEL

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There are two INTEL trees in Yamato, each with 19 different skills. Each skill has between 1 and 3 levels. Initially, only one hex is available to upgrade in exchange for INTEL (gathered passively during exploration). To make any hex available, an adjacent hex must first be fully upgraded. Additionally, some hexes have a "release condition" required before it can be unlocked. Below is a list of all Yamato INTEL.

Yamato INTEL 1.0.png

Yamato INTEL 2.0.png

Recommended Upgrade: Ninja Training (4) releases the second skill tree, so this is a good place to start. Chrysanth & Sword (2) unlocks new card conversions, so this is also recommended early on. Get the new areas (middle row) as soon as possible. Ninjutsu (5, 6, 7, 8) is recommended early, as it will help to level up Ninjutsu much faster. Genji (13) unlocks important gear that will assist your Yamato explorations. Finally, Musashi's Legacy (16) has a chance to give the green relic Niten Ichi Ryu, which is necessary to complete the Yamato Domain.

Recommended Upgrade: Stealth (2) will increase movement SPD and lower AFFCT Checks, so this is a great first tile to get. Ninja's Gesture (4) will increase Ninjutsu Training SPD and help to max it out much faster if obtained early. Ninjutsu training (15, 16, 18, 19) will also assist with this. Kani Jade (13) gives plenty of fragments to upgrade this relic, and will be a great display item in the Museum. Finally, Divine Retribution (11) increases DMG done in Yamato.

Yamato INTEL

Yamato INTEL 1.5.png
No. INTEL Name Required INTEL Release Condition Effect
1 Yamato Map 100 When you enter a new area, gain +150 INTEL
2 Chrysanth & Sword 400 Unlock Special Cards(Yamato)

At the end of explorations in Yamato, Cards convert to +5% rewards

800 Unlock Special Cards(Yamato)

At the end of explorations in Yamato, Cards convert to +10% rewards

1200 Unlock Special Cards(Yamato)

At the end of explorations in Yamato, Cards convert to +15% rewards

3 Gyushu Apostle Clue 1200 Defeat Idol Girl Unlock area (Gyushu)

In Gyushu, INTEL gained +20%

4 Ninja Training 400 Unlock INTEL Tree (Ninja Training)

When you enter a new area, gain +20 Chakra

5 Soul of Earth 1600 Upgrade 1 White Soul of Earth Grid to Green
3200 Upgrade 1 Green Soul of Earth Grid to Blue
4800 Upgrade 1 Blue Soul of Earth Grid to Purple
6 Soul of Aqua 1600 Upgrade 1 White Soul of Aqua Grid to Green
3200 Upgrade 1 Green Soul of Aqua Grid to Blue
4800 Upgrade 1 Blue Soul of Aqua Grid to Purple
7 Orry Apostle Clue 4800 Defeat Basketball Squad Unlock area (Orry Villa)

In Orry, INTEL gained +20%

8 Soul of Fire 1600 Upgrade 1 White Soul of Fire Grid to Green
3200 Upgrade 1 Green Soul of Fire Grid to Blue
4800 Upgrade 1 Blue Soul of Fire Grid to Purple
9 Soul of Thunder 1600 Upgrade 1 White Soul of Thunder Grid to Green
3200 Upgrade 1 Green Soul of Thunder Grid to Blue
4800 Upgrade 1 Blue Soul of Thunder Grid to Purple
10 Military Dictatorship 400 Per Yamato Apostle dominated, Snail ATK +8

Yamato Apostles Dominated: 10/10

800 Per Yamato Apostle dominated, Snail ATK +16

Yamato Apostles Dominated: 10/10

12000 Per Yamato Apostle dominated, Snail ATK +24

Yamato Apostles Dominated: 10/10

11 Ghost Parade 4000 Only in Demon Form in Yamato In Exploration Looting, gain Ghost Heads by +10%
8000 Only in Demon Form in Yamato In Exploration Looting, gain Ghost Heads by +20%
12000 Only in Demon Form in Yamato In Exploration Looting, gain Ghost Heads by +30%
12 Nana Apostle Clue 12000 Defeat Spike Turtle Unlock area (Nana)

In Nana, INTEL gained +20%

13 Genji 4000 Obtain Genji Gloves
8000 Obtain Genji Helmet
12000 Obtain Genji Shield
14 Sumo Training 4000 Unlock Special Feature (Sumo Training)

Nissan will visit your Home

15 Bushido 10000 Unlock Special Incident (Majestic Battle)
20000 Unlock Special Incident (Mt. Huji Meditation)
30000 Unlock Special Incident (Nachi Falls Training)
16 Musashi's Legacy 10000 If an exploration in Yamato is sped up for +8hrs, gain 1 Musashi's Legacy at the end
20000 If an exploration in Yamato is sped up for +6hrs, gain 1 Musashi's Legacy at the end
30000 If an exploration in Yamato is sped up for +4hrs, gain 1 Musashi's Legacy at the end
17 Kiyoto Apostle Clue 30000 Defeat General Shimasu Unlock area (Kiyoto)

In Kiyoto, INTEL gained +20%

18 Flag of Furinkazan 10000 Soul of Earth, +5% for extra Travel Speedups

Soul of Aqua, +5% for extra Clone Speedups Soul of Fire, +5% for extra Offering Speedups Soul of Thunder, +5% for Evolution Speedups

20000 Soul of Earth, +10% for extra Travel Speedups

Soul of Aqua, +10% for extra Clone Speedups Soul of Fire, +10% for extra Offering Speedups Soul of Thunder, +10% for Evolution Speedups

30000 Soul of Earth, +15% for extra Travel Speedups

Soul of Aqua, +15% for extra Clone Speedups Soul of Fire, +15% for extra Offering Speedups Soul of Thunder, +15% for Evolution Speedups

19 Like a Dream 10000 All Gene Research SPD +2%

Obtain 2h Gene Speedup

20000 All Gene Research SPD +4%

Obtain 4h Gene Speedup

30000 All Gene Research SPD +6%

Obtain 8h Gene Speedup

Ninja Training

Yamato INTEL 2.5.png
No. INTEL Name Required INTEL Effect
1 Ninjutsu Basics 100 Unlock Ninjutsu (Aqua-Jutsu)
200 Unlock Ninjutsu (Earth-Jutsu)
300 Unlock Ninjutsu (Fire-Jutsu)
400 Unlock Ninjutsu (Thunder-Jutsu)
2 Stealth 400 In Yamato, Travel SPD +5%

In Yamato, AFFCT Checks -30

800 In Yamato, Travel SPD +10%

In Yamato, AFFCT Checks -60

1200 In Yamato, Travel SPD +15%

In Yamato, AFFCT Checks -90

3 Ninjutsu Scrolls 400 Per victory, Ninjutsu Scrolls gained +1
800 Per victory, Ninjutsu Scrolls gained +2
4 Ninja's Gesture 400 Select a type of Ninjutsu:

Training SPD of the selected Ninjutsu +20%

800 Select a type of Ninjutsu:

Training SPD of the selected Ninjutsu +40%

1200 Select a type of Ninjutsu:

Training SPD of the selected Ninjutsu +60%

5 Earth of Ninjutsu I 1600 Earth-Jutsu Training SPD +20%

Earth-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 8

3200 Earth-Jutsu Training SPD +40%

Earth-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 12

6 Aqua Ninjutsu I 1600 Aqua-Jutsu Training SPD +20%

Aqua-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 8

3200 Aqua-Jutsu Training SPD +40%

Aqua-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 12

7 Way of Ninja 1600 5 Ninjutsu levels = 5 Novice Scrolls

Current level: 80/80

8 Fire Ninjutsu I 1600 Fire-Jutsu Training SPD +20%

Fire-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 8

3200 Fire-Jutsu Training SPD +40%

Fire-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 12

9 Thunder Ninjutsu I 1600 Thunder-Jutsu Training SPD +20%

Thunder-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 8

3200 Thunder-Jutsu Training SPD +40%

Thunder-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 12

10 Koka Scrolls 4000 Turn Ninjutsu Scrolls to Koka Scrolls by +0.5%

Use in Card Redemption for rare resources

8000 Turn Ninjutsu Scrolls to Koka Scrolls by +1%

Use in Card Redemption for rare resources

12000 Turn Ninjutsu Scrolls to Koka Scrolls by +1.5%

Use in Card Redemption for rare resources

11 Divine Retribution 4000 In Yamato, DMG +5%
8000 In Yamato, DMG +10%
12000 In Yamato, DMG +15%
12 Chakra Transformation 4000 Can trade 20 Yamato INTEL for 1 Chakra
8000 Can trade 15 Yamato INTEL for 1 Chakra
12000 Can trade 10 Yamato INTEL for 1 Chakra
13 Kani Jade 4000 Obtain 20 Kani Jade Fragment
8000 Obtain 40 Kani Jade Fragment
12000 Obtain 60 Kani Jade Fragment
14 Ika Scrolls 4000 Turn Ninjutsu Scrolls to Ika Scrolls by +0.5%

Use in Card Redemption for rare resources

8000 Turn Ninjutsu Scrolls to Ika Scrolls by +1%

Use in Card Redemption for rare resources

12000 Turn Ninjutsu Scrolls to Ika Scrolls by +1.5%

Use in Card Redemption for rare resources

15 Earth Ninjutusu II 10000 Earth-Jutsu Training SPD +5%

Earth-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 16

20000 Earth-Jutsu Training SPD +10%

Earth-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 20 Fight Earth Ninja Kato after all training

16 Aqua Ninjutusu II 10000 Aqua-Jutsu Training SPD +5%

Aqua-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 16

20000 Aqua-Jutsu Training SPD +10%

Aqua-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 20 Fight Aqua Ninja Kaguya after all training

17 Sacred Mirror 30000 Acquire to access Yamato Train: Sacred Mirrror
18 Fire Ninjutusu II 10000 Fire-Jutsu Training SPD +5%

Fire-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 16

20000 Fire-Jutsu Training SPD +10%

Fire-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 20 Fight Fire Ninja Momochi after all training

19 Thunder Ninjutusu II 10000 Thunder-Jutsu Training SPD +5%

Thunder-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 16

20000 Thunder-Jutsu Training SPD +10%

Thunder-Jutsu can be enhanced up to Lv. 20 Fight Thunder Ninja Sarutabi after all training