Unknown Creature

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How to get the Unknown Creature

Unknown Creature

1. Defeat the Guard Robot to obtain the Alien Egg

2. Purchase the Small Collar from the Vending Machine for 30K B-tads

3. Purchase the Small Bowl from the Vending Machine for 30K B-tads

4. At the far left side of Home Base, use these 3 items

Mystery Gloop

Once the Unknown Creature (commonly called Pig) moves in, he won't do much... But every 6 hours he'll produce a Mystery Gloop which, when used, gives 200 random Demon God Cells.

Special Events

Mostly, the Unknown Creature will be asleep in his house or in the pond. Occasionally he'll show up in the Gene Room. When he does, you can load up some Incense and laser him. Doing so prompts him to produce a Mystery Gloop and crawl away to a new napping spot. This won't hurt him or change how often he produces Mystery Gloops, but after 10 hits he'll leave behind the green relic Father's Photo.

Special Requests

Sometimes the pig will want a special food to help him with all the energy-draining napping he does. Doing this rewards relics and special rewards, listed below. The reward is found in the Mysterious Thing picked up after a request is granted.

The number of gloop picked up is from the last reward obtained.

Request No. Mystery Gloops picked up Request Reward
1 11 100 Uchi Macha -
2 41?? 500 Fungi Mutant Enoki.png Mutant Enoki
3 100 Zombie Cat Food.png Zombie Cat Food Rainbow Pig Gene Seg. +1
4 100 Demon Cat Food.png Demon Cat Food Rainbow Pig Gene Seg. +1
5 100 Angel Cat Food.png Angel Cat Food Rainbow Pig Gene Seg. +1
6 100 Mutant Cat Food.png Mutant Cat Food Rainbow Pig Gene Seg. +1
7 100 Mecha Cat Food.png Mecha Cat Food Rainbow Pig Gene Seg. +1
8 100 100 Escargot.png Escargot Blue Coating.png Blue Coating +100
9 200 1 Crow Sashimi Pet Pig Restaurant minigame
10 200 100 Escargot.png Escargot Blue Coating.png Blue Coating +300

Uchi Matcha can be obtained during Yamato exploration.

Cat food can be purchased from the vending machine each day for 1000 W-tads. They show up in the same order: Zombie > Demon > Angel > Mutant > Mecha.