Text color trick

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Changing Text Chat Color

The text color trick allows you to change text color. It is not a permanent change to text color but it will change text color for the specified text. The way that you do it is:

[color] words[-]

  • This trick only works with the in-game chat.
  • the color must be written in lowercase (i.e. red; not Red or RED)


Copy and paste the example into the in-game chat box. Replace the world "Example" with whatever text you want to be that color.

Color Example
Red [red]Example[-]
Orange [orange]Example[-]
Yellow [yellow]Example[-]
Green [green]Example[-]
Light Green [light_green]Example[-]
Blue [blue]Example[-]
Light Blue [light_blue]Example[-]
Cyan [cyan]Example[-]
Purple [purple]Example[-]
Light Purple [light_purple]Example[-]
Gray [gray]Example[-]
Light Gray [light_gray]Example[-]

Beyond Predefined

To access colors outside the predefined list, you can use the rgb formula to specify the amount red, green, and blue to mix (out of 255) to create your color. The rgb formula must be in lowercase. The amounts must be specified in base-10.

Color Example
Black [rgb(0,0,0)]Example[-]
Pink [rgb(255,192,203)]Example[-]
White [rgb(255,255,255)]Example[-]
Violet [rgb(143,0,255)]Example[-]
Berry [rgb(160,22,65)]Example[-]
Indigo [rgb(75,0,130)]Example[-]

Fun Examples
