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Skills Template Usage

This Template is for the skills ("stamps") on blue, purple, and orange Relics. With four parameters, a Skill with the appropriate image will appear for your Relic. For instance:

{{Skills|compass|orange reagent|15}} produces: Compass skill III.pngPlace in Exploration Compass: In explorations, 2x Orange reagent Drops +15%

{{Skills|tadpolepond|cap|15}} produces: Tadpolepond skill II.pngPlace in Tadpole Pond: Max Cap +15%

{{Skills|yamato|rush|20}} produces: Yamato skill I.pngPlace in Yamato Museum: In Yamato, Snail RUSH +20

..and so on. (The rank is pulled from the surrounding information on the relic page and has been artificially included here to show what it would look like on the appropriate page).

This template is extremely complicated. Below is a breakdown of all possible entries.

The first parameter will be the type of skill it is, denoted by the image of the skill. For example, compass, yamato, genesim, biozilla, etc.
The second parameter will be relevant to the type of skill, and not all possible inputs work for all possible deviations, since, for example, Yamato doesn't have a chance to output wonderfungus. Therefore, here is a list of combinations that can be used for each skill type. Use this alongside the master list. 
The third parameter is the quantity/value that the skill adds or detracts

This also includes all alternate terms that can be used to denote the same thing, while the list at the bottom contains the preferred term (for consistency and readability).

Note that all skills are preceded by an image and "In {{Area}}," for example: "In Snail Arena Compass,...

It is also important to note that there are subtle but key differences in what key term must be written into the template to produce the correct skill. For instance btad drops produces "In explorations, 2x B-tads Drops" while btads produces "B-tads gained +#% As this template is used, this is subject to change. This can be very confusing, so try to reference the table as frequently as needed so as not to produce the incorrect skill.

Not all skills are available to template. If you find an outlier skill, please contact Klei on the Discord Discord Logo.png.

skill type possible parameters output
compass fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
hp/atk/def/rush Snail {{HARD}} +{{VALUE}}
fame check/art check/fth check/civ check/tech check {{AFFCT}} Checks -{{VALUE}}
b-tads/btads In explorations, B-tads gained +{{VALUE}}%
intel In explorations, INTEL gained +{{VALUE}}%
cells In explorations, Cells collected +{{VALUE}}%
food/white card/green card/blue card/purple card/orange card In explorations, 2x {{ITEM}} Drops +{{VALUE}}%
green reagent/blue reagent/purple reagent/orange reagent In explorations, 2x {{ITEM}} Drops +{{VALUE}}
crit/crit dmg/earth dmg/water dmg/fire dmg/wind dmg In explorations, {{DMG}} +{{VALUE}}
tadpolepond fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
max/cap/max cap Max Cap +{{VALUE}}
b-tad/btad/output/btad output B-tad Output +{{VALUE}}%
w-tad/wtad Generate W-tads by +{{VALUE}}%
fungusfarm fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
max/cap/max cap Max Cap +{{VALUE}}%
fungus/output/fungus output Fungus Output +{{VALUE}}%
wonder/wonderfungus/wonder fungus Grow Wonder Fungus +{{VALUE}}%
timemachine fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
max/cap/max cap Time Machine Max Cap +{{VALUE}}%
speedup/output/speedup output Travel Speedup Output +{{VALUE}}%
chest Time Machine generates Time Chests by +{{VALUE}}%
lumbercamp fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
max/cap/max cap Lumber Camp Max Cap +{{VALUE}}%
wood/output/wood output Wood Output +{{VALUE}}%
ancient/ancientwood Find Ancient Wood by +{{VALUE}}%
quarry fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
max/cap/max cap Quarry Max Cap +{{VALUE}}%
stone/output/stone output Stone Output +{{VALUE}}%
ancient/fossil/ancientfossil Find Ancient Fossil by +{{VALUE}}%
koryeo/yamato/cathay/etc.. wish coin cost/grandmaster cost/master cost/expert cost Medal Cost for {{ITEM}} -{{VALUE}}
medal output Medal Output +{{VALUE}}
btad output B-tad Output +{{VALUE}}
btads gained B-tads gained +{{VALUE}}
medals gained Medal gained +{{VALUE}}
museum rating/rating Museum Rating +{{VALUE}}
fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
hp/atk/rush/def Snail {{HARD}} +{{VALUE}}
btads dropped/btads drop/btad drops 2x B-tads Drops +{{VALUE}}%
green reagent/blue reagent/purple reagent/orange reagent 2x {{ITEM}} Drops +{{VALUE}}%
intel 2x INTEL Drops +{{VALUE}}%
white card/green card/blue card/purple card/orange card 2x {{ITEM}} Drops +{{VALUE}}
incense/incense gained 2x Incense Drops +{{VALUE}}
food gained/food dropped 2x Food Drops +{{VALUE}}
zombie/demon/angel/mutant/mecha {{FORM}} Cells gained +{{VALUE}}%
earth dmg/water dmg/fire dmg/wind dmg/dmg {{DMG}} +{{VALUE}}%
cells Cells collected +{{VALUE}}%
fame check/art check/fth check/civ check/tech check {{AFFCT}} Checks -{{VALUE}}
travel spd/spd Travel SPD +{{VALUE}}%
b-tads/btads B-tads gained +{{VALUE}}%
intel gained INTEL gained +{{VALUE}}%
food consumed food consumed -{{VALUE}}%
genesim fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
hp/atk/rush/def Snail {{HARD}} +{{VALUE}}
hp regen HP Regen +{{VALUE}}
earth dmg/water dmg/fire dmg/wind dmg {{DMG}} +{{VALUE}}
crit/crit dmg/dmg reduc {{DMG}} +{{VALUE}}
ignore def Ignore DEF +{{VALUE}}%
lifesteal rate/lifesteal effect Lifesteal {{RATE/EFFECT}} +{{VALUE}}%
hp round/atk round/rush round/def round Snail {{HARD}} +{{VALUE}} each round
power/check/power check/simulation Power Checks in Gene Simulations -{{VALUE}}%
arena fame/art/fth/civ/tech This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
hp/atk/rush/def In Snail Arena, Snail {{HARD}} +{{VALUE}}
regen/hp regen In Snail Arena, HP Regen +{{VALUE}} HP
earth dmg/water dmg/fire dmg/wind dmg/dmg In Snail Arena, {{DMG}} +{{VALUE}}
earth res/water res/fire res/wind res In Snail Arena, {{DMG}} +{{VALUE}}
crit In Snail Arena, CRIT +{{VALUE}}%
ignore def In Snail Arena, Ignore DEF +{{VALUE}}%
lifesteal rate In Snail Arena, Lifesteal Rate +{{VALUE}}%
crit dmg In Snail Arena, CRIT DMG +{{VALUE}}%
dmg reduc In Snail Arena, DMG REDUC +{{VALUE}}%
hp round/atk round/rush round/def round In Snail Arena, Snail '''{{HARD}''' +{{VALUE}} each round
crit dmg reduc In Snail Arena, CRIT DMG REDUC +{{VALUE}}%
ignore earth res/ignore water res/ignore fire res/ignore wind res In Snail Arena, Ignore {{ELMT}} RES +{{VALUE}}
biozilla/dungbeetle/surfclam, etc. affct In Species War, AFFCT Checks -{{VALUE}}
hp/atk/rush/def In Species War, All Minion {{HARD}} +{{VALUE}}%
crit In Species War, CRIT +{{VALUE}}%
crit dmg In Species War, CRIT DMG +{{VALUE}}%
earth dmg/water dmg/fire dmg/wind dmg In Species War, Troop {{ELMT}} DMG +{{VALUE}}
fame/art/fth/civ/tech In Species War, This Relic's {{AFFCT}} +{{VALUE}}
dmg reduc In Species War, Troop DMG REDUC +{{VALUE}}%
earth res/water res/fire res/wind res In Species War, Troop {{ELMT}} RES +{{VALUE}}
elmt In Species War, All ELMT DMG +{{VALUE}}
heroes In Species War, Troop DMG toward heroes +{{VALUE}}%

Skills for blue, purple, and orange relics.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

skill type1

The specific type of skill for the relic.

'compass', 'tadpolepond', 'fungusfarm', 'timemachine', 'lumbercamp', 'quarry', 'koryeo', 'yamato', 'cathay', 'murika', 'britland', 'kemet', 'hellas', 'bharata', 'rift', 'genesim', 'arena', 'biozilla', 'dungbeetle', 'surfclam', 'goldfish'
first variable2

the first relevant and distinguishable deviation in the skill

'fame', 'art', 'fth', 'civ', 'tech', 'hp', 'atk', 'rush', 'def', 'max cap', 'btad output', 'wtad', 'fungus output', 'wonderfungus', 'speedup output', 'chest', 'wood output', 'ancientwood', 'stone output', 'ancientfossil', 'intel', 'food', 'white card', 'green card', 'blue card', 'purple card', 'orange card', 'green reagent', 'blue reagent', 'purple reagent', 'orange reagent', 'crit', 'crit dmg', 'earth dmg', 'water dmg', 'fire dmg', 'wind dmg', 'hp regen', 'dmg reduc', 'ignore def', 'lifesteal rate', 'lifesteal effect', 'hp round', 'atk round', 'rush round', 'def round', 'power check', 'wish coin cost', 'grandmaster cost', 'master cost', 'expert cost', 'medal output', 'btad output', 'btads gained', 'medals gained', 'museum rating', 'btads drop', 'intel gained', 'incense', 'food dropped', 'cells', 'fame check', 'art check', 'fth check', 'civ check', 'tech check', 'travel spd', 'food consumed', 'heroes'

The value of the skill
