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Category:List of Troop Stat Boosts (edit) How do I use minions in battle?

Minions are used in Domains, found in the Rocket

Minions Domain Wars
CombatDamage (edit) Why is <code>ELMT DMG</code> considered the "best" stat?

ELMT DMG applies to standard attacks and RUSH attacks. The final damage also scales with the ATK or RUSH stat. In non-PvP battles, opponenets do not have ELMT RES.

CombatDamage (edit) Why is <code>ELMT RES</code> the "worst" stat?

Enemies in explorations, fissure, mirages, mailbox, etc do not have any Elemental Damage stats. Meaning this stat is really only useful in PvP battles.

CombatDamage (edit) Why is DEF better than HP?

1 DEF will save you 1 HP for each round you are alive. So if you last the full 20 rounds in a battle, each point of DEF is worth 20 HP. Also

CombatDamage (edit) Why is RUSH not as good as DEF?

If you haven't spotted the enemy's weakness this stat does not contribute anything to the battle.
Also, the Total RUSH DMG done in a single round of combat is almost always primarily comes from ELMT DMG, not RUSH DMG.

Lottery Machine (edit) My Lottery Machine was stolen!

After about 100 or so draws, you'll find that your lottery machine has been stolen and replaced with a note from Ishikawa Antitheft. Don't worry! It'll be returned, with a few things left behind: Key of Container and Ishikawa's Shuriken. The next 10-roll will reward 30 Lottery Tickets and unlock Jinx Points.

Lottery Machine