Soul Jade

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Defeat Canine Samurai


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆ 13 25 12 16 6 Per 3 kinds of souls offered, Snail HP +10
Distinct Souls Offered: 300/300
★★☆ 14 27 13 17 7 Per 3 kinds of souls offered, Snail HP +20
Distinct Souls Offered: 300/300
★★★ 16 31 15 19 9 Per 3 kinds of souls offered, Snail HP +30
Distinct Souls Offered: 300/300
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 16 31 15 19 9


Rumor has it that this is an heirloom of the elven clan, and if the possessor is an elf, they will be granted great power. But no one has confirmed the legend after so many years, perhaps it's just a way of advertising their merchandise.