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Lottery Machine (0.03%), Wishing (0.82%)


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆ 12 17 20 29 21 In explorations, +0.4% chance to gain 2x INTEL
★★☆☆ 13 18 21 31 22 In explorations, +0.8% chance to gain 2x INTEL
★★★☆ 15 20 23 35 24 In explorations, +1.2% chance to gain 2x INTEL
★★★★ 19 24 27 41 28 In explorations, +2% chance to gain 2x INTEL
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 22 27 30 44 31 In explorations, +2% chance to gain 2x INTEL
In explorations, +2% chance to gain 2x INTEL (Awakened)


Genesim skill I.png Place in Gene Sim Device: Snail HP +200

Relic Resonance

Art of Ninja.pngSonnet.png Per 200 DNA Strength, Snail DEF +3
DNA Strength: 4,000/4,000
Horoscope.pngSonnet.pngNocturnes.pngGuillotine.pngTorpedo Swimsuit.png Per 400 Relic Points, Snail ATK +3
Relic Points: 16,000/16,000


On Sep 18, 1820, Shelley wrote the well-recognized best collection of English poems.

The King had to release the patriots to commemorate the Spanish uprising. Shelly wrote this 14-line poem in response to this event. Neat and rhythmic, this poem expressed the beauty of love. It is well-loved among the literati, including Shakespeare. Humanism, including the pursuit of freedom, equality, and charity, is a viral value among the aristocrats.

[Classic Quotes]

The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Only life could be destroyed, not space.