Ion Propulsor

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Rocket Tech 24k


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆ 9 14 14 14 21 Per 5 Rocket Tech LVLs, Snail ATK +3
Rocket Tech Upgraded: 50/50
★★☆ 10 15 15 15 23 Per Rocket Tech LVLs, Snail ATK +6
Rocket Tech Upgraded: 50/50
★★★ 12 17 17 17 27 Per Rocket Tech LVLs, Snail ATK +9
Rocket Tech Upgraded: 50/50
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 12 17 17 17 27


An ion thruster, also known as an electric thruster, is a device that does not rely on chemical combustion to generate thrust. It converts solar energy into electricity, and then uses it to convert stored working fluid into plasma, which is released to produce thrust. The absence of structures such as combustion chambers, pipes, and cooling systems in traditional thrusters frees up more room to store fuel, while the high-impulse ion thruster itself greatly prolongs the life of the spacecraft.