Inspection Certificate

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Game Promoter minigame


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆ 11 7 15 25 13 Per Sign-In, Snail DEF +1
s: 20/20
★★☆ 12 8 16 27 14 Per Sign-In, Snail DEF +2
s: 20/20
★★★ 14 10 18 31 16 Per Sign-In, Snail DEF +3
s: 20/20
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 14 10 18 31 16


We wish to work with gamers to resist copycat games and malicious promotions. In this mini-game, Game Prompter, you stuck to your principles and said no to fraudulent promotions. We hereby issue this certificate as an appreciation!