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Unlock with Cathay Cards. Officially called the Arsenal. Before Unlocking, it is the Deserted Arsenal.

Contains Dismantle Gear (Unlocked with the garage), Rebel Troops Material (Unlocked with the Rocket), and the Wormhole (Unlocked in Cathay Domain)

Small box in Garage unlocks the Home Decoration CyborVendor Computer (Cat Computer). Requirement to unlock is unknown. Yes, the people on discord say they know, but it doesn't work every time, so they're wrong..

More info coming!

This is........Karebear. After a certain point if you tap on the small box in the garage you'll see it move just jeep tapping and tapping and tapping some more. Keep tapping lol. It will eventually open. It didn't cost me anything for the Home Decoration that you get. If you want to know what you get and spoil the entire suprise then just keep on reading and if you don't want to know what you get in that little box in the garage I suggest you stop reading because I am going to tell you. It's a Kitty Kat Komputer hahahaha......