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Memetic Value Pack I ($29.99)


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆ 8 11 14 14 25 Per Super Memetic Chest opened, Snail DEF +4
Super Memetic Chests Opened: 20/20
★★☆ 9 12 15 15 27 Per Super Memetic Chest opened, Snail DEF +8
Super Memetic Chests Opened: 20/20
★★★ 11 14 17 17 31 Per Super Memetic Chest opened, Snail DEF +12
Super Memetic Chests Opened: 20/20
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 11 14 17 17 31


Entropy in Greek means immanent, that is, the chance in the intrinsic properties of a system. Boltzmann the scientist offered a statistical explanation, and proved in a series of treatises that the macroscopic physical properties of a system can be considered identical to the statistical probability average of all possible microstates.