Easter Eggs

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In the Fungus Farm, there is a strange blue lump. Tap on it a few times!
Above the Fridge, full of goodies, there's a shelf. Is that toilet paper?!
Chat with the Robot Guard before you fight him! He's been here an awful long time, how is he still powered?
Leaves of three leave them be, rocks of three tap until they break? What? Tap on the cluster of rocks by the garage to see!
Speaking of the garage, where does that fruit come from? Is it growing up there?
Who's littering in here? Why is there a can on the floor? Is it the crows fault?
There's a wiggly green lizard in the shop, poke him!
Like any pet, you need to clean up after your pig. Pick enough poo and he'll ask for things, and give extra special poo!
In the Rocket you can find the Nebula. When you tap the red button, it says (Tap... Tap... Tap...). In modern English, the ellipses(...) indicate a pause. Take a moment to figure out what it means here!