Domain Device

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Missing: All details for Cathay and later domain devices
Images for the weapons
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Send robots to gather: Clone-speedup.png Clone Speedup
Upgrade Domain Cabin Tech to send more robots.

Tech Robots
0-399 5
400-1,399 10
1,400-3,199 20
3,200-5,999 30
6,000-10,799 40
10,800-17,999 50
18,000-24,999 60
25,000-35,999 70
36,000-55,999 80
56,000-79,999 90
80,000-? 100

Koryeon Domain

Pawson Throne

Domain Rocket Device

Pawson Throne.png

Three types of materials, Pawson Whiskers, Pawson Fangs, and Pawson Cores can be found within the Koryeon Domain, primarily by defeating enemies there. These are are available in five different tiers and can be used to build the Pawson Throne. These materials can be converted into higher or lower tiers at a rate of 5 lower tier materials to 1 higher tier material. Building the throne requires ten of each of the three materials in the same the tier, and will grant a bonus to the Koryeon museum and a buff to mutant minions. Once built, it can be destroyed for free and will return all the materials and B-tads spent to build it. After being built, the ability to produce treasure maps using Standard Printing Supply will be unlocked. Each instance of producing treasure maps for Standard Printing Supply can only be done once.

Each Device tier gives +1 to Mutant Minion HP, ATK, DEF, and RUSH, in addition to the bonuses shown.

Tier B-tad
Koryeon Museum
Medal Output
Koryeon Museum
B-tad Output
Available Production Standard Printing
Supply Used
1 20k +4 +400 Koryeon Treasure Map +50 30
2 40k +8 +800 Koryeon Treasure Map +100 60
3 60k +12 +1,200 Koryeon Treasure Map +200 120
4 80k +16 +1,600 Koryeon Treasure Map +400 200
5 100k +20 +2,000 Koryeon Treasure Map +800 300

Cruise Missile

NO.01 Domain Weapon File

Missile Box.png

After building the Pawson Throne at any tier, it is possible to build the Cruise Missile. This weapon only has an effect within the Koryeon Domain, and costs one Missile Box per level to upgrade after the first level. Missile Boxes can be obtained by mining in the Koryeon Domain.

Level In Koryeon Domain,
Troop 1st Round DMG
1 +2,000
2 +4,000
3 +6,000
4 +8,000
5 +10k
6 +12k
7 +14k
8 +16k
9 +18k
10 +20K

Yamato Domain

Bladden Throne

Domain Rocket Device

Bladden Throne.png

Three types of materials, Bladden Sheaths, Bladden Scrolls, and Bladden Cores can be found within the Yamato Domain, primarily by defeating enemies there. These are are available in five different tiers and can be used to build the Bladden Throne. These materials can be converted into higher or lower tiers at a rate of 5 lower tier materials to 1 higher tier material. Building the throne requires ten of each of the three materials in the same the tier, and will grant a bonus to the Yamato museum and a buff to demon minions. Once built, it can be destroyed for free and will return all the materials and B-tads spent to build it. After being built, the ability to produce treasure maps using Engineering Printing Supply will be unlocked. Each instance of producing treasure maps for Engineering Printing Supply can only be done once.

Each Device tier gives +1 to Demon Minion HP, ATK, DEF, and RUSH, in addition to the bonuses shown.

Tier B-tad
Yamato Museum
Medal Output
Yamato Museum
B-tad Output
Available Production Engineering Printing
Supply Used
1 20k +4 +400 Yamato Treasure Map +50 30
2 40k +8 +800 Yamato Treasure Map +100 60
3 60k +12 +1200 Yamato Treasure Map +200 120
4 80k +16 +1600 Yamato Treasure Map +400 200
5 100k +20 +2000 Yamato Treasure Map +800 300

Senbon Sakura

NO.02 Domain Weapon File

After building the Bladden Throne at any tier, it is possible to build the Senbon Sakura. This weapon only has an effect within the Yamato Domain, and costs one Sword Box per level to upgrade after the first level. Sword Boxes can be obtained by mining in the Yamato Domain.

Level In Yamato Domain,
Troop 1st Round DMG
1 +2,000
2 +4,000
3 +6,000
4 +8,000
5 +10k
6 +12k
7 +14k
8 +16k
9 +18k
10 +20k
25 +50K

Cathay Domain

Jaden Throne

Domain Rocket Device

Bladden Throne.png

Three types of materials, Jaden Scale, Jaden Horn, and Jaden Cores can be found within the Cathay Domain, primarily by defeating enemies there. These are are available in five different tiers and can be used to build the Jaden Throne. These materials can be converted into higher or lower tiers at a rate of 5 lower tier materials to 1 higher tier material. Building the throne requires ten of each of the three materials in the same the tier, and will grant a bonus to the Cathay museum and a buff to dragon minions. Once built, it can be destroyed for free and will return all the materials and B-tads spent to build it. After being built, the ability to produce treasure maps using Military Printing Supply will be unlocked. Each instance of producing treasure maps for Military Printing Supply can only be done once.

Each Device tier gives +1 to Dragon Minion HP, ATK, DEF, and RUSH, in addition to the bonuses shown.

Tier B-tad
Cathay Museum
Medal Output
Cathay Museum
B-tad Output
Available Production Engineering Printing
Supply Used
1 20k +4 +400 Cathay Treasure Map +50 30
2 40k +8 +800 Cathay Treasure Map +100 60
3 60k +12 +1200 Cathay Treasure Map +200 120
4 80k +16 +1600 Cathay Treasure Map +400 200
5 100k +20 +2000 Cathay Treasure Map +800 300

Calming Pearl

NO.03 Domain Weapon File

After building the Jaden Throne at any tier, it is possible to build the Calming Pearl. This weapon only has an effect within the Cathay Domain, and costs one ? per level to upgrade after the first level. ? can be obtained by mining in the Cathay Domain.

Level In Cathay Domain,
Troop 1st Round DMG
1 +
2 +
3 +
4 +
5 +
6 +
7 +
8 +
9 +
10 +
30 +75K

Links to Other Cabins

Cabin: Species Device
Cabin: Rebel Device
Cabin: Demon God Device
Cabin: Earth's Will Device