Cathay INTEL

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There are three INTEL trees in Cathay, each with 19 different skills. Each skill has between 1 and 3 levels. Initially, only one hex is available to upgrade in exchange for INTEL (gathered passively during exploration). To make any hex available, an adjacent hex must first be fully upgraded. Additionally, some hexes have a "release condition" required before it can be unlocked. Below is a list of all Cathay INTEL.

Cathay INTEL 1.0.png

Cathay INTEL 2.0.pngCathay INTEL 3.0.png

Recommended Upgrade: Wei, Shu, and Wu tiles 2 and 4 increase SPD and Prestige earned in their respective kingdoms, so this is a great start. Tile 9 also unlocks the Key Clue necessary for Sima Yi. Besides these, tiles 6 and 8 for each area, if raised to level 3 early on, could reduce the number of necessary explorations to 100% the realm.

Recommended Upgrade: Tiles 1, 3, 7, 12, and 17 in each Kingdom unlocks their generals and getting these unlocked asap is important. Tiles 16 unlocks new areas within Cathay.

Recommended Upgrade: Wei tile 9 unlocks the Key Clue necessary for Sima Yi, and Shu tile 9 unlocks the ability to pay respects to dead generals. Get these as soon as possible. Wu tile 14 triggers a special event that rewards a great gear for Cathay, so the sooner the better. Finally, Wu 5, 9, and 11 are great for more resources and 19 gives a strong orange relic as well.


Cathay INTEL 1.5.png
No. INTEL Name Required INTEL Release Condition Effect
1 Meet Lady Zhen 150 Unlock Kingdom of Wei General Lady Zhen
2 Yongzhou Inspector 600 In the Kingdom of Wei, Travel SPD +10%
Wei: Xuchang, Ji Zhou, Chang'an
1200 In the Kingdom of Wei, Travel SPD +20%
Wei: Xuchang, Ji Zhou, Chang'an
3 Meet Guard Dian Wei 600 Unlock Kingdom of Wei General Guard Dian Wei
4 Inspiring General 600 Prestige gained from exploring Wei +10%
Wei: Xuchang, Ji Zhou, Chang'an
1200 Prestige gained from exploring Wei +20%
Wei: Xuchang, Ji Zhou, Chang'an
5 Cho's Military Theory 2400 Number of generals appointed: 3 Unlock General Formation (Fengshi)
4800 Unlock General Formation (Yanyue)
7200 Unlock General Formation (Keyi)
6 Horses Manual 2400 Upgrade 1 White Stable Grid to Green
4800 Upgrade 1 Green Stable Grid to Blue
7200 Upgrade 1 Blue Stable Grid to Purple
7 Meet Cyclops Xiahou D 2400 Unlock Kingdom of Wei General Cyclops Xiahou D
8 Politician Cao's Poem 2400 Upgrade 1 White Tavern Grid to Green
4800 Upgrade 1 Green Tavern Grid to Blue
7200 Upgrade 1 Blue Tavern Grid to Purple
9 Kidnap for Power 2400 Unlock Special Incident (Secret Edict)
4800 Unlock Special Incident (Greet the Emperor)
7200 Unlock Special Incident (Imperial Trust)
10 Grave Robber 6000 Upon traveling through an area, rob a grave by +3%
12000 Upon traveling through an area, rob a grave by +6%
18000 Upon traveling through an area, rob a grave by +10%
11 Know Your Horses 6000 Acquisition of Horses Manual Lv. 1 Stable Grid drops extra Akhal-Teke by 5%
Stables drop Vermillion Bird Spirit by +0.5% (7/7)
12000 Stable Grid drops extra Akhal-Teke by 7%
Stables drop Vermillion Bird Spirit by +1% (7/7)
12 Meet Vanguard Zhang Liao 6000 Unlock Kingdom of Wei General Vanguard Liao
13 Three Strategies 6000 All General HP +10%
12000 All General HP +15%
18000 All General HP +20%
14 Six Arts of War 6000 All General DEF +10%
12000 All General DEF +15%
18000 All General DEF +20%
15 Prime Minister of Wei 9000 Lumber Camp Output +3%
Quarry Output +3%
18000 Lumber Camp Output +6%
Quarry Output +6%
27000 Lumber Camp Output +10%
Quarry Output +10%
16 Chang'an Apostle Clue 27000 Defeat Politican Sima Yi Unlock area (Chang'an)
In Chang'an, INTEL gained +20%
17 Meet Counselor Guo Jia 9000 Unlock Kingdom of Wei General Counselor Guo Jia
18 Trust of the People 9000 Per Cathay Apostle dominated, Snail AFFCT +16
18000 Per Cathay Apostle dominated, Snail AFFCT +32
27000 Per Cathay Apostle dominated, Snail AFFCT +48
19 Bronze Lark Terrace 9000 Unlock more items in Cathay Card Redemption (Tier 1 & 2)
At the end of explorations in Cathay, Cards convert to +5% rewards
18000 Unlock more items in Cathay Card Redemption (Tier 3 & 4 & 5)
At the end of explorations in Cathay, Cards convert to +10% rewards


Cathay INTEL 2.5.png
No. INTEL Name Required INTEL Release Condition Effect
1 Meet Madam Huang 150 Unlock Kingdom of Shu General Madam Huang
2 Yizhou Inspector 600 In the Kingdom of Shu, Travel SPD +10%
Shu: Chengdu, Nanzhong, North Jingzhou
1200 In the Kingdom of Shu, Travel SPD +20%
Shu: Chengdu, Nanzhong, North Jingzhou
3 Meet Super Ma Chao 600 Unlock Kingdom of Shu General Super Ma Chao
4 General Pacifier 600 Prestige gained from exploring Shu +10%
Shu: Chengdu, Nanzhong, North Jingzhou
1200 Prestige gained from exploring Shu +10%
Shu: Chengdu, Nanzhong, North Jingzhou
5 7-Star Lamp 2400 Only effective in Angel Form in Cathay Per victory, light up the 7-Star Lamp by +10%
4800 Only effective in Angel Form in Cathay Per victory, light up the 7-Star Lamp by +20%
7200 Only effective in Angel Form in Cathay Per victory, light up the 7-Star Lamp by +30%
6 Records of Commerce 2400 Upgrade 1 White Market Grid to Green
4800 Upgrade 1 Green Market Grid to Blue
7200 Upgrade 1 Blue Market Grid to Purple
7 Meet Stalwart Zhao Yun 2400 Unlock Kingdom of Shu General Stalwart Zhao Yun
8 Art of Agriculture 2400 Upgrade 1 White Farm Grid to Green
4800 Upgrade 1 Green Farm Grid to Blue
7200 Upgrade 1 Blue Farm Grid to Purple
9 Letter to the Emperor 2400 You can pay respect to dead Generals
In Cathay, DMG +10%
4800 In Cathay, DMG +20%
10 Book on Warcraft 6000 All General ATK +10%
12000 All General ATK +15%
18000 All General ATK +20%
11 Commerce Overseer 6000 Acquire Records of Commerce Lv. 1 Market Grid drops extra Cathay Maps by +5%
Market drop Dark Toirtoise Spirits by +0.5% (7/7)
12000 Market Grid drops extra Cathay Maps by +10%
Market drop Dark Toirtoise Spirits by +1% (7/7)
12 Meet Brawler Zhang Fei 6000 Unlock Kingdom of Shu General Brawler Zhang Fei
13 Chinese Herbal Book 6000 Acquire Art of Agriculture Lv. 1 Farm Grids drop extra Reishi bu +5%
Farm drop White Tiger Spirits by +0.5% (7/7)
12000 Farm Grids drop extra Reishi bu +10%
Farm drop White Tiger Spirits by +1% (7/7)
14 Kindheartedness 6000 1 General Recruited = 1 Expert Scroll
Generals Recruited: 28/28
15 Prime Minister of Shu 9000 Fungus Farm Output +3%
Tadpole Pont B-tad Output +3%
18000 Fungus Farm Output +6%
Tadpole Pont B-tad Output +6%
27000 Fungus Farm Output +10%
Tadpole Pont B-tad Output +10%
16 N. Jingzhou Apostle Clue 15000 Defeat Politician Yuan Shao Unlock area (North Jingzhou)
In North Jingzhou, INTEL gained +20%
17 Meet Faithful Guan Yu 15000 Unlock Kingdom of Shu General Faithful Guan Yu
18 Warlords Battle 9000 Unlock Special Incident (Snail vs Lu Bu 1)
18000 Unlock Special Incident (Snail vs Lu Bu 2)
27000 Unlock Special Incident (Snail vs Lu Bu 3)
19 Supreme Warlord 9000 Complete Cathay Key Clue "Call for An Ordered World" Learn to recruit a general (Lu Bu)


Cathay INTEL 3.5.png
No. INTEL Name Required INTEL Release Condition Effect
1 Meet Qiao Sisters 150 Unlock Kingdom of Wu General Qiao Sisters
2 Yangzhou Inspector 600 In the Kingdom of Wu, Travel SPD +10%
Wu: Yangzhou, South Jingzhou, Red Cliff
1200 In the Kingdom of Wu, Travel SPD +20%
Wu: Yangzhou, South Jingzhou, Red Cliff
3 Meet Princess Sun 600 Unlock Kingdom of Wu General Princess Sun
4 Supporting General 600 Prestige gained from exploring Wu +10%
Wu: Yangzhou, South Jingzhou, Red Cliff
1200 Prestige gained from exploring Wu +20%
Wu: Yangzhou, South Jingzhou, Red Cliff
5 Anc. Divination 2400 Gain Travel Speedup +2h
4800 Gain Travel Speedup +4h
6 Military Classic 2400 Upgrade 1 White Barracks Grid to Green
4800 Upgrade 1 Green Barracks Grid to Blue
7200 Upgrade 1 Blue Barracks Grid to Purple
7 Meet Warscar Zhou Tai 2400 Unlock Kingdom of Wu General Warscar Zhou Tai
8 Discourse on Salt/Iron 2400 Upgrade 1 White Forge Grid to Green
4800 Upgrade 1 Green Forge Grid to Blue
7200 Upgrade 1 Blue Forge Grid to Purple
9 Flamboyant Bandit 2400 Per victory, Supply Box +1
4800 Per victory, Supply Box +2
7200 Per victory, Supply Box +3
10 The Pure Book 6000 All General DMG +10%
12000 All General DMG +15%
18000 All General DMG +20%
11 Chained Strategies 6000 Chain Rewards increase 1 chain by +10%
12 Meet Gallant Huang Gai 6000 Unlock Kingdom of Wu General Gallant Huang Gai
13 Forging 6000 Acquire Discourse on Salt/Iron Lv. 1 Forge Grid drops extra Bronze Tripod by +5%
Forges drop Azure Dragon Spirits by +0.5%
12000 Forge Grid drops extra Bronze Tripod by +10%
Forges drop Azure Dragon Spirits by +1%
14 Loyal Retainers 6000 Unlock Special Hitman (Loyal Retainers)
Loyal Retainers will visit your Home
15 Prime Minister of Wu 9000 Time Machine Travel Speedup Output +3%
18000 Time Machine Travel Speedup Output +6%
27000 Time Machine Travel Speedup Output +10%
16 Red Cliff Apostle Clue 27000 Defeat Elephants Unlock area (Red Cliff)
In Red Cliff, INTEL gained +20%
17 Meed Admiral Zhou Yu 9000 Unlock Kingdom of Wu General Admiral Zhou Yu
18 Roll Call Platform 9000 ??? 8 Generals trained = 24 W-Tadpoles
Genearls trained: 224/224
18000 8 Generals trained = 48 W-Tadpoles
Genearls trained: 224/224
27000 8 Generals trained = 80 W-Tadpoles
Genearls trained: 224/224
19 Imperial Jade 9000 Acquire Imperial Jade +40
18000 Acquire Imperial Jade +40
27000 Acquire Imperial Jade +40