Aulos Pipe

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Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆☆ 16 23 32 8 20 Per 20 FTH Wishes made, Snail RUSH +1
> Wishes Made: 1000/1000
★★☆☆ 17 24 34 9 21 Per 20 FTH Wishes made, Snail RUSH +2
> Wishes Made: 1000/1000
★★★☆ 19 26 38 11 23 Per 20 FTH Wishes made, Snail RUSH +3
> Wishes Made: 1000/1000
★★★★ 23 30 44 15 27 Per 20 FTH Wishes made, Snail RUSH +5
> Wishes Made: 1000/1000
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 26 33 47 18 30 Per 20 FTH Wishes made, Snail RUSH +5
> Wishes Made: 1000/1000
Snail RUSH +50 (Awakened)


Rift skill I.png Place in Rift Museum: In the Rift, food consumed -1%

Relic Resonance

Aulos Pipe.pngBrisingamen.png Per 5 Blue Relics gained, Snail DEF +15; Blue Relics: 180/180
Sampo.pngAulos Pipe.pngFirst World Cup Ticket.pngPavlov's Bell.png Per 10 Dragon Minions in battle: Troop HP +70


On Nov 26, 1766 BC, the ancient Greeks used the Avlos pipe to worship the god of wine, praying for a good wine harvest in the coming year.
The Aulos Pipe is one of the most primitive musical instruments crafted in the ancient Greek era, and it is also a symbol of Dionysus. It is a double-pipe clarinet made of reed pipes or animal bones and an important instrument in the ceremony of Dionysus worship. Studies have shown that musicians would blow the double pipes simultaneously with each hand holding one pipe. However, the function of the double pipes remains an unsolved mystery.