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Star Chart Shop


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆ 11 14 12 10 25 Snail DEF +10
Quantum Amp upgrade B-tad Cost -0.6%
★★☆ 12 15 13 11 27 Snail DEF +20
Quantum Amp upgrade B-tad Cost -1.2%
★★★ 14 17 15 13 31 Snail DEF +30
Quantum Amp upgrade B-tad Cost -1.8%
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 14 17 15 13 31


Almagest is the work of a Greek astronomer named Ptolemy. It contains two fields of science, astronomy and mathematics. For Centuries, it has had a major impact on astronomers in the world.