Acupuncture Figure

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Reward for Total Avatar Score of 20,000


Stars FAME ART FTH CIV TECH Special Stats
★☆☆ 9 11 15 23 14 Snail ATK +20
Snail DEF +20
Snail RUSH +20
★★☆ 10 12 16 25 15 Snail ATK +40
Snail DEF +40
Snail RUSH +40
★★★ 12 14 18 29 17 Snail ATK +60
Snail DEF +60
Snail RUSH +60
★★★★★★ '
Awakened 12 14 18 29 17


Something odd just got mixed in with the mound of movie awards! It does look like a trophy from a film festival and yet it is another proof of the bad tatste of the development team!