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/* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */
html {
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* Body, head, and general framework *
/* Head */
#mw-head-base {

#mw-head {
    width:calc(100% - var(--sidebar-width) - var(--sidebar-spacing) - var(--content-right-margin));

#mw-head {

/* let ul default to text that respects color */
ul {
    list-style-image: none;

/* override default table overflowing in favor of media queries (see bottom of sheet) */
table {
    display: table;
    white-space: initial;

* End general framework *

* Logo - from *
/* [[File:Site-logo.png]] */

#p-logo {

.mw-wiki-logo {
    background-size: contain;

#mw-panel {
    z-index: 1;

* End logo *

* Vector tabs - from*
#right-navigation {
    margin-top: var(--vector-tab-top-spacing);

.vector-menu-tabs {
    height: var(--vector-tab-height);
    box-sizing: border-box;
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row wrap;

#left-navigation {
    margin-left: 0;

#right-navigation {
    margin-right: calc(var(--content-right-margin) + (var(--content-padding) / 2));

.vector-menu-tabs li {
    background: none;

.vector-menu-tabs li:not(:first-child),
#p-cactions {
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.vector-menu-tabs .selected,
.vector-menu-tabs a,
#mw-head .vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading,
.vector-menu-tabs-legacy li {
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.vector-menu-tabs li a,
.vector-menu-tabs a,
.vector-menu-tabs a:visited,
.vector-menu-tabs .selected a,
.vector-menu-tabs .selected a:visited,
#mw-head .vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading {
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    color: var(--wiki-navigation-text-color);
    border: none;
    padding:6px 8px;
    display: flex;
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    box-sizing: border-box;

.vector-menu-tabs .selected a,
.vector-menu-tabs .selected a:visited {
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	border: 1px solid var(--wiki-navigation-border-color);
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#mw-head .vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading {
    padding-right: 0.5em;

#p-cactions .vector-menu-content span {
    padding: 0;

.vector-menu-tabs .mw-watchlink.icon a {
    padding: calc(var(--vector-tab-height) - (var(--vector-tab-border-width) * 2)) 0 0 0;
    color: transparent;

div#mw-head #ca-watch.icon a,
div#mw-head #ca-watch.icon a:hover,
div#mw-head #ca-watch.icon a:focus {
    background:transparent var(--wiki-watch-icon) no-repeat center center;

div#mw-head #ca-unwatch.icon a,
div#mw-head #ca-unwatch.icon a:hover,
div#mw-head #ca-unwatch.icon a:focus {
    background:transparent var(--wiki-unwatch-icon) no-repeat center center;

.vector-menu-tabs #ca-watch.icon a::before,
.vector-menu-tabs #ca-unwatch.icon a::before {

#p-cactions {

div#mw-head div#p-cactions .vector-menu-heading {
	display: none;

div.vectorMenu {
	background: transparent var(--wiki-more-icon) no-repeat left center;
	height: var(--vector-tab-height);
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	margin: 0;
	padding: 0 3px;

.vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-content {
    border: none;
    top: calc(var(--vector-tab-height) - 1px);
    left: auto;
    right: 0;
    padding: 1em;

div.vectorMenu .mw-list-item a,
.vector-menu-dropdown .mw-list-item.selected a,
.vector-menu-dropdown .mw-list-item.selected a:visited {
    color: var(--wiki-navigation-text-color);

.vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading::after {
    filter: invert(100);

* End vector tabs *

* Left Sidebar - from *
#mw-panel .vector-menu-portal {
	font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
	margin: 0 0.2em 10px 0.2em;
	padding: 0;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 1.875em /*The default text size in browsers is 16px.*/
	border-radius: 20px;
	border-bottom: 4px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);

#mw-panel .vector-menu-content {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 5px;

#mw-panel .portal .mw-list-item {
    padding:2px 0;

.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content .mw-list-item a,
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content .mw-list-item a:visited {
    color: var(--wiki-sidebar-link-color);

.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-heading {

	margin: 0;
	font-size: 1em;
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	border-top-right-radius: 19px;
	cursor: pointer;
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#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal .vector-menu-content,
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.persistent .vector-menu-content {
	margin: 0;
	padding-bottom: .3em;

#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal .vector-menu-heading {
	background-position: right center;
	padding: .25em 0;
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.collapsed .vector-menu-heading {
	background-position: right center;
	border-radius: 20px;

#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal .vector-menu-heading a,
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.collapsed .vector-menu-heading a,
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.collapsed .vector-menu-heading,
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.collapsed .vector-menu-heading:hover {
	color: var(--wiki-sidebar-header-color);
	text-decoration: none;

* End left sidebar *

* Table of contents - from *
.mw-warning {
    background: transparent;
    border: 2px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);

.toctogglelabel {
    color: var(--wiki-content-link-color);

.tocnumber {
    color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
* End table of contents *

* Tabber styles  - from *
.tabber__tab:visited {
	color: var(--wiki-content-link-color);

.tabber__tab[aria-selected="true"]:visited {
    color: var(--wiki-content-link-color--hover);

.tabber__indicator {
    background: var(--wiki-content-link-color);

.tabber__header__next::after {
    filter: var(--wiki-icon-general-filter);
* End Tabber styles *

* Infobox styling *

/* pi-background, pi-secondary-background, in light-theme and dark-theme styling above. - wingu.gamez*/

.portable-infobox {
	font-size: 0.88em;
	border: 3px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);
	border-radius: 10px;
	outline: 5px solid #4f391e;
.portable-infobox, .portable-infobox h1, .portable-infobox h2, .portable-infobox h3, .portable-infobox h4, .portable-infobox h5, .portable-infobox h6 {
	font-family: Open Sans, sans-serif;
	color: #694D5D;
.portable-infobox .pi-title,
.portable-infobox .pi-data-label {
	font-weight: 600;

* End Infobox styling *

/*JS filter button styling*/
	color: #333;
    background-color: #fff;
    border-color: #ccc;
	display: inline-block;
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0;
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    font-weight: 400;
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    text-align: center;
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    touch-action: manipulation;
    cursor: pointer;
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    background-image: none;
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    border-radius: 4px;

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	display: inline-block;
    padding: 6px 12px;
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    touch-action: manipulation;
    cursor: pointer;
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    user-select: none;
    background-image: none;
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    border-radius: 4px;
/*end JS filter button styling*/

.copy-text-button {
    border: 2px solid black;
    border-radius: 5px;
    background-color: var(--wiki-navigation-background-color);
    color: black;
	padding: 1px 8px;
	text-align: center;
	text-decoration: none;
	display: inline-block;
	font-size: 16px;
	margin: 4px 2px;
	cursor: pointer; 

div#mw-page-base.noprint {
background-color: transparent;
background-image: transparent;