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If you are new your first event is Newb Event. When it ends, between Newb Event and Weekly Event, you will have Hoard Event. These are designed to get you familiar with the game while allowing you to progress.

Weekly Events

Every week is one of the three cycling weekly events: Lottery > Wish > Offering. Friday at 6:00 am PST is the server reset, and maintenance begins at 3:30 am PST for about 3 hours.

Maintenance rewards:

During each event, you'll use specific currencies to gain more points for that event for various rewards. Generally, the idea is to save all of that currency for 2 weeks and then spend in all during the corresponding event. For example Lottery event uses Lottery Tickets, so you'd want to save all of your accumulated Lottery Tickets until that event starts.

For more specific information and up-to-date rewards for each event, see:

Lottery Week 
Wishing Week
Offering Week

A quick rundown of what to hoard!

  1. Lottery Week: Lottery Tickets, various Scrolls
  2. Wishmaking Week: Wish Coins, Relic Frags, Taichi Fishes
  3. Offering Week: Offering Speedups, Divine Chests, and Dragon Chests

For the curious: Weekly Events History

Supreme Feast

The Supreme Feast refreshes at the same time as the weekly events and always has the same structure. Feast Tickets can be claimed from Chan-hee for participating in the weekly event and used to spin the Roulette of Will: 50 tickets for one spin and 150 tickets for 3 spins. The rewards are 1 red organ, demon god cells, magic potion, and a random orange fungus. After hitting the jackpot (the red organ), you can choose to refresh for a starting price of 50 feast tickets. Every refresh costs 10 more tickets (until the event resets).

If you win the organ or fungus, that item cannot be won again unless the roulette is refreshed and you can only win demon god cells (2 sections award +2,000, 1 section awards +4,000) and magic potion (2 sections award 10, 1 section awards 50). Magic Potion is used to unseal and upgrade Realm Trait spirits and is therefore extremely valuable, so it's possible you may not want to refresh every single time just for the red organ. Unsealing a Realm Trait's spirit costs 300 magic potion, and upgrading them costs a heavy amount as well. It's important to weight the beneifts of a red organ's boosts to the benefits of an unsealed Realm Trait/higher Realm Trait spirit boosts.

Deadly Ironball.png
Deadly Ironball
Sacred Mirror.png
Sacred Mirror
Supreme Warlord.png
Supreme Warlord
Lady Liberty.png
Lady Liberty
Ghost Ship.png
Ghost Ship
Ma'at Tablet.png
Ma'at Tablet
Dragon Horse.png
Dragon Horse

The Manhunt Act

The Manhunt Act is a 30 day event where you can test your strength against strong opponents for various rewards. In it, you can try your hand at defeating 5 traitors. Former travelers for Earth's Will, they are formidable in each stage...


"Snails on the list were once core members of the Resistance. Sadly, they betrayed us for their own gains. I rightly withheld my trust from the beginning. I secretly planted these Neurolinks in their brains so you could track them easily. Don't worry, I assure you that you don't have anything like that in your brain." -Gaia, Earth's Will.

Neurolink is the "currency" used to attack each traitor, one Neurolink equating one fight. You can get 4 a day from completing your Daily Tasks (Receive Museum rewards and Defeat Daily Hitman), and they can also be purchased for 100 W-tads each. Neurolinks will not be reset when the event is, so you can save up your Neurolinks if you want!


The first traitor, Ex Agent, is automatically available to fight but the rest must be unlocked with B-Tads. Each other traitor costs 3k B-Tads to unlock. Unlocking each agent also rewards 3 Neurolinks each.

Each traitor has 3 different levels and a different set of rewards. The first of four rewards is given during every fight depending on how much damage you did during the fight. The last three rewards are given upon defeating that level.

Each fight lowers the HP of the traitor a little each time, which doesn't reset with each fight. Once HP reaches 0, the next traitor will become much stronger (and have better rewards of course) and the process is repeated.

At about 1.5m total power, you should be able to defeat each of the Lv. 2 fugitives within a reasonable time. At about 6.2m power, you should be able to defeat each of the Lv. 3 fugitives.

As far as strategies go, Sacred Mirror is best for the fights that you're struggling with, while Lu Bu is better for the fights you can do relatively easily. For example, if you are at 3m power and have no issues with the first two levels, use Lu Bu to save on your Nuerolinks for Levels 1 and 2, but switch to Mirror for Level 3. This varies from person to person.

Note that defeating the Escaped Subject is required for Mutant Ritual T5.

Fugitive Lv. ATK DEF HP Weakness Partial Attack Reward Defeat Reward
Ex Agent 1 1,600 1,000 80,000 AFFCT 5,000 B-Tad.png B-Tad B-Tad.png B-Tad +200k
Novice Scroll.png Novice Scroll +30
2 21,000 15,000 6,000,000 ART 10,000 B-Tad.png B-Tad B-Tad.png B-Tad +400k
Expert Scroll.png Expert Scroll +60
Relic RF.png Relic RF +5
3 50,000 30,000 100,000,000 ART 20,000 B-Tad.png B-Tad B-Tad.png B-Tad +800k
Master Scroll.png Master Scroll +120
Relic RF.png Relic RF +10
Ex Corps Captain 1 1,200 1,000 80,000 AFFCT 5,000 Tool Chest.png Tool Chest Tool Chest.png Tool Chest +240
Novice Scroll.png Novice Scroll +30
2 18,000 15,000 6,000,000 Tech 11,000 Tool Chest.png Tool Chest Tool Chest.png Tool Chest +500
Expert Scroll.png Expert Scroll +60
Relic RF.png Relic RF +5
3 45,000 30,000 100,000,000 TECH 22,000 Tool Chest.png Tool Chest Tool Chest.png Tool Chest +1k
Master Scroll.png Master Scroll +120
Relic RF.png Relic RF +10
Ex Academic 1 1,200 1,200 80,000 AFFCT 5,000 Time Chest.png Time Chest Travel Speedup.png Travel Speedup +9h
Novice Scroll.png Novice Scroll +30
2 18,000 18,000 6,000,000 FAME 9,500 Time Chest.png Time Chest Travel Speedup.png Travel Speedup +18h
Expert Scroll.png Expert Scroll +60
Relic RF.png Relic RF +5
3 45,000 36,000 100,000,000 FAME 19,000 Time Chest.png Time Chest Travel Speedup.png Travel Speedup +1d12h
Master Scroll.png Master Scroll +120
Relic RF.png Relic RF +10
Ex Arch Knight 1 1,200 1,000 80,000 AFFCT 5,000 Green Reagent.png Green Reagent Novice Alchemy Case.png Novice Alchemy Case +20
Novice Scroll.png Novice Scroll +30
2 18,000 15,000 6,000,000 FTH 10,500 Green Reagent.png Green Reagent Expert Alchemy Case.png Expert Alchemy Case +24
Expert Scroll.png Expert Scroll +60
Relic RF.png Relic RF +5
E3 45,000 30,000 100,000,000 FTH 21,000 Green Reagent.png Green Reagent Master Alchemy Case.png Master Alchemy Case +24
Master Scroll.png Master Scroll +120
Relic RF.png Relic RF +10
Escaped Subject 1 1,200 1,000 80,000 AFFCT 5,000 Evolution Chest.png Evolution Chest Evolution Chest.png Evolution Chest +240
Novice Scroll.png Novice Scroll +30
2 18,000 15,000 6,000,000 CIV 9,000 Evolution Chest.png Evolution Chest Evolution Chest.png Evolution Chest +500
Expert Scroll.png Expert Scroll +60
Relic RF.png Relic RF +5
3 45,000 30,000 100,000,000 CIV 18,000 Evolution Chest.png Evolution Chest Evolution Chest.png Evolution Chest +1k
Master Scroll.png Master Scroll +120
Relic RF.png Relic RF +10

Cancer Cells

After beating all Level 3 Traitors and unlocking Demon Lord Fights at the Altar, you will unlock a new set of fights with Cancer Cells.

These fights work the same as other Manhunt fights in that they are cumulative and you have until the end of a 30 day cycle to defeat them. The one difference is they cost 5 Neurolink.png Neurolinks per attempt.

After you defeat Cancer Cell of Earth's Will Level 1, Earth's Will will give you Cancer Cell Manual.png Cancer Cell Manual. This relic will unlock Event Bonus.png Rewards Box in the Vending Machine. This will give additional Neurolink.png Neurolinks a day for more attempts.

Fugitive Lv. ATK DEF HP Weakness Partial Attack Reward Defeat Reward
Cancer Cell of Earth's Will 1 75,000 60,000 240,000,000 Total AFFCT 110,000 Refine Speedup.png Refine Speedup Refine Speedup.png Refine Speedup +3d
Wormhole Refiner.png Wormhole Refiner +300
Relic RF.png Relic RF +10
Cancer Cell of Gaia 2 150,000 120,000 480,000,000 Total AFFCT 160,000 Refine Speedup.png Refine Speedup Refine Speedup.png Refine Speedup +6d
Wormhole Refiner.png Wormhole Refiner +600
Relic RF.png Relic RF +15
Cancer Cell of Earth's Will 3 300,000 250,000 1,200,000,000 Total AFFCT 235,000 Refine Speedup.png Refine Speedup Refine Speedup.png Refine Speedup +12d
Wormhole Refiner.png Wormhole Refiner +1k
Relic RF.png Relic RF +20

Badge Shop

The Badge Shop is an incentive for participating in limited events; participation rewards Badge.png Badges which can be spent here. The Badge Shop resets every 30 days.

Badge Shop
Item Cost in
Badge.png Badges
Item Cost in
Badge.png Badges
Item Cost in
Badge.png Badges
Blasphemy Eye Pack.png
Blasphemy Eye Pack
Purchase 1 Time
Lottery Ticket.png Incense.png Coating Bucket.png
Lottery Ticket +10
Purchase 3 Times Per Reset
20 Incense +3
Purchase 3 Times Per Reset
150 Coating Bucket +3
Purchase 3 Times Per Reset
Master Alchemy Case.png Wonder Fungus Orange ATK.png Grandmaster Scroll.png
Master Alchemy Case +10
Purchase 3 Times Per Reset
40 Wonder Fungus Orange ATK +5
Purchase 3 Times Per Reset
80 Grandmaster Scroll +40
Purchase 3 Times Per Reset
Relics Walden.png Lascaux Mural.png Receiving the Envoy.png
Purchase 1 Time
100 Lascaux Mural
Purchase 1 Time
Available after purchasing Walden.png Walden
200 Receiving the Envoy
Purchase 7 Time
Available after purchasing Lascaux Mural.png Lascaux Mural
Minion Skins Winged Horse.png
Winged Horse +20 Fragments
Purchase 1 Time
Shells Lollipop.png
Purchase 1 Time
Available after purchasing Winged Horse.png Winged Horse

Recurring Events

The three weekly events of Lottery Week, Wishing Week, and Offering Week make a cycle. During that three week cycle there is a meta event of Weekly Special. Weekly Special allows you to collect Weekly Special Stamp.png Weekly Special Stamps from other events for rewards.

During Wishing Week there is an additional event of the Clover Vendor.

During Offering Week there is an additional event of the Observatory Event.

Lucky Slot comes once a month for three days and give the chance to earn Lucky Star.png Lucky Stars for prizes.

One Off Events

One off events occur at specific times of the year. Generally these events last for one to two weeks. They may repeat annually.

For more information about specific One Off Events please refer to the Weekly Event History page.